Season 4 - Ep 3: I Am Not Hated

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We are in the Ice Peak from Ep 4 of Season 2. We see Mariah Carey's frozen trophy. Six black snakes came and they turned into a black sphere and unfreezed and revived her.

Mariah: Oww... My head...

She opened her eyes and saw the six snakes coming out from Ravenna's eyes.

Ravenna: Don't want christmas back? Join me and I will make your wish come true.

The snakes rolled up and arrested Mariah.

Mariah: HELP ME!!!!

One of the snakes bit Mariah's neck.

Mariah: AHHH!!!!! *faints*

She got fainted by the snakes and black tears got leaving her eyes. Now she woke up and she's now mind-controlled by Ravenna.

In a area full of snow, we see a man looking for his dog.

In a area full of snow, we see a man looking for his dog

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John Thornton


John's still keep walking to look for his dog. Until, he founds the dog's trophy.

John: Oh... There you are!

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