Season 2 - Ep 5: Breaking Bad

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The episode begins at the Mushroom Kingdom, there's a lot of Toads. A portal appears.

A person, which looks similar to Mario, leaves

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A person, which looks similar to Mario, leaves.

A person, which looks similar to Mario, leaves

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(A/N: I know SMG4 got another design, but I like This one, so yeah.)

SMG4: Woah, where am I? Is that the Castle?

SMG4 run to the Toads, to see what's happening.

Toadsworth: It's a disaster! Master Mario is now missing!

SMG4: Oh my god... What Mario did this time...

Toadsworth: Wait, who are you?

SMG4: Huh? You Don't regonise me- Oh wait, I think I'm Nintendo Mario universe.

Toadsworth: So, are you a friend of Mario?

SMG4: Well, friend of a another-universe Mario. But, what happened?

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