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pov billie

tate and i talked all night it was amazing who knew it would take a night to know a lot about someone "tell me why'd you move to america of all places" i whispered and she looked at her "i'd rather not talk about it" tate whispered and i started to trace her rose on her arm

i've had past relationships where i haven't been happy at all but i feel very happy even though we've only know each other for about twelve hours it feels like we're together but we aren't and i'm happy she doesn't know about my music career i don't need her to know i just want to be normal for a while

"i think i'm gonna go home" tate whispered and i smiled and looked at her "alright i'll walk you to the door" i said

we got up and i walked with her to the door and i hugged her and she hesitated to hug me back "don't be scared" i chuckled and her long arms snaked around my waist and we stood at my door for a while "you know you don't have to go home i have food and clothes here" i said

tate looked at me and smiled "just call me tomorrow alright" i sadly nodded and she looked at me she didn't ask me if i was ok she just came back in and sat on the couch i closed the door and smiled


i tossed and turned in my bed i sat up and left my room and tate was asleep on the couch peacefully i crossed my arms and walked to her and tapped her gently and she woke up "billie" tate questioned and i smiled "i can't sleep can i sleep with you" i asked and she nodded and i got on the couch with her she put her arms around my body and i felt so protected

i breathed in her minty scent and instantly fell asleep

pov tate

i tightened the bolt on the tire of andrews car "yo tate where have you been like i have seen you in a day" he said and i shrugged i don't want to tell him i was at billies i'd rather not i know men and they are quick at stealing everything from you

"your tire is fixed" i said and he pulled out his wallet and i declined "i don't need money alright you're my mate my best mate" i said and he smiled and so did i and my phone ringed and it was billie i answered and walked away from andrew

"hey" i said and i could see her smile over the phone "hey where are you" billie aske "i'm at work i have a few to talk what's up" we talked the entire time i just stayed on the phone with her while i fixed cars "i had one amazing sleep last night" i said and she hummed "is that so"

i smiled and wiped my hands with a towel "of course i haven't had a good sleep in a while so i want to thank you and your comfortable couch" i said "no problem i actually haven't had a good sleep in a while either i slept like a baby" she said and i smiled

"well i get off at seven and i was wondering if you wanted to go out for ice cream or something" i asked

"i wish i could but i have family business to take care of" billie said and i nodded

pov billie

she was quiet i didn't like that "tate" i questioned and she hummed "are you mad at me" i asked "no of course not just take care of your family business and call me later" she said and i smiled "alright" i whispered and hung up

i sat on my couch and looked around my house it was so quiet i hated it my phone buzzed and it was my reminder

home concert tonight!!

i got ready and left my house my driver drove me to the concert i met my parents and my brother we went into the green room and i had a few snacks i looked at claudia and finneas they're so in love that's what i want i looked at the time and it was eight the concert starts at nine i pulled out my phone and pressed on tate's contact and texted her

i really wished that i was with you

i hesitated to send it but i did i stared at the message for a while and by 9:00 it wasn't a response

783 words

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