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pov billie

"you're so pretty" tate whispered and she touched my cheek "but you betrayed me how could you" tate said "w-what" i whispered the lights began to flicker i heard whispering all around me and i covered me ears "listen to me!" she yelled and i screamed until it stopped

"billie wake up" my mom said and i gasped there was sweat on my forehead and my bed sheets were soaked but i could still hear the whispering "shut up!" i screamed and my mom jumped "i-i just want her back i-" i started crying and my mom held me

i had to come back home i couldn't stay at my house anymore the nightmares got so intense they became real after two weeks i tried to call tate but she hasn't been answering my calls but i know where to find her and i gained the courage to go see her

"i'll be back" i whispered and kissed my moms cheek and left i don't know whose blackmailing me but they have my nude pictures i don't want them to go public not like how my sexuality went, my fans accepted me and they love me everyone did but i wanted to do it on my own time

plus my team hasn't found out who it is but they're close i pulled up to the auto shop and got out, "hey excuse me" i whispered and the old greasy guy looked at me "yea" he asked "have you seen tate" i questioned and he pointed to tate i walked to her and she looked at me "h-hey" i whispered and she smiled

"i tried calling you" i whispered "i was giving you space cause i didn't know what i did" tate whispered "can we go talk somewhere else" i whispered and she nodded and we went to my car and we grabbed lunch together

"they aren't chips" i laughed and tate smiled "well they aren't french" she said and i smiled and she looked at me "i have to tell you something" i whispered and she sat back in her chair "are you breaking up with me" she asked "no baby" i said and kissed her

"to make a long story short im famous a-and i hid it from you to feel normal i guess and that day at the lake someone took a photo of us kissing and released it to the press and i wasn't even out yet and like everyone supports me i just wanted to do it on my own time instead of it being leaked out and know they're blackmailing me and i don't know who they are" i said and tate looked at me

she looked so confused but angry "blackmailing" she asked and i nodded and she looked at me "and you don't know who it is" she questioned and i nodded "have you checked that ex of yours" she questioned and i gasped "give me your keys and his address" she said "where are we going" i whispered "to pay him a little visit" she said


i knocked on the bright white door and it opened to matthew and he had that smirk on his face "are you fucking blackmailing me" i asked "watch who you're talking to eilish" he said and i sighed "you're playing with my career" i whispered

"just like you played with my heart..oh and those nudes are sexy" he said "i was sixteen in those photos you're holding child pornography on your phone i could get you arrested for that" i said "not before i leak them" he said and tate pushed me and punched him and he fell down "my glasses" he said and tate continued punching him until she felt like he had enough and grabbed his phone "what's the fucking password!" she yelled and he gave it to her and she deleted everything and found his nudes

"oh my god your dick is that little" she laughed and i tried not to laugh "i see why you were so butt hurt you can barely see your dick and dude you need to shave" she said and laughed

never give an ugly guy and chance he'll think he'd rule the world

"if you ever contact my girlfriend again i won't hesitate to make matters worse" she said and he flinched and i called my manager and the cops they all came and my family approached "oh billie we were so worried" my mom said and i hugged her and tate smiled

"i could've done it without tate" i whispered and finneas looked at her and hugged her "alright finny boy let go" she said and he cleared his throat and nodded and i smiled "she's coming with us to the met gala " i said and they looked at me "you told her" finneas asked "yea i took it well i didn't fall in love with her music i fell in love with her" tate said and smiled

she just practically said she loves me...fuck she loves me and i love her

"let's go" she whispered and i smiled

862 words

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