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pov billie
just a short chapter next one will be long :)

i saw y/n's notebook lying on the bed and me being me i grabbed it, because she's always writing something i flipped it opened and it was a bunch of pages covered in black ink

for once im falling for the women she's everything i need and everything i want, it's not her body that draws me to her it's her personality and her soul. she's so beautiful but doesn't want to admit she is even though i tell her all the time she doesn't seem to believe it

i don't want to tell her about my life back in london i hate it every moment of it, i don't have the nightmares not when i'm laying next to her the most beautiful woman i've ever laid eyes on

i flipped the page and got more into it

i love the way her lips feel on mine i love the way she moans my name i love that i can make her cum so easily, i shouldn't be writing about this but here i am she's sitting infront of me with her hair in a ponytail...a ponytail i wanna pull while making her scream my name

i sat up and put my lip between my teeth and continued reading

i walk out of the room to hold myself together so she doesn't feel me not...all of me, i don't want her to know about that part of me what if she freaks out and breaks up with me

some things were scratched out and i couldn't make up what they were saying i flipped the page and it was a beautiful drawing of me i admired the details and it was amazing i flipped the page again and it was more about me and how beautiful i am

she's not fat like the memes claimed, she's perfect all her curves i should find those fuckers and kill them

i giggled a bit and continued reading

i love when she wears nothing but my shirt she looks so good in it her body is reserved for me and me only no one else

i smiled and flipped the page

i love her i love billie but i'm a-

"are you having fun" i jumped and turned to tate "uh i wasn't.." i trailed off and she looked at me "what did you read?" she asked and i looked at her "n-nothing" i said and she sighed

"come on babe privacy" she said and i gave her the book "so you wanna hold my ponytail while i scream your name" i said and she groaned "you read that part out of everything that part" she asked and i giggled "there's three full pages of you talking about sex" i said and she shook her head and passed me a tshirt "put it on now" she said and i took off my clothes "ouu demanding i love it" i said and she grabbed my hips

"are you upset with me that i talked like that" she whispered against my lips "no i loved it" i whispered "oh really" her lips ghosted mine and i bit my lip she leaned in and our lips connected into a heated kiss

tate pulled away and i went after her lips again and she pulled back and put me back down then walked out of the room like nothing happened but i followed her and she was in the kitchen with her back against the counter "what's wrong" i asked "nothing" she said and i sighed "you always seem to do this when we get sexual it's like you don't want me" i whispered "n-no billie that's not it just calm down" she said and i looked at her "so what is it" i asked she took my hand and took me to the bedroom and closed the door behind her

"it's better if i just show you" she said and started take her sweatpants off and she sighed "alright here goes nothing" she whispered and she pulled them down "holy shit!" i yelled and she covered herself "no babe i didn't mean it in a bad way but fuck" i said and she moved her hands "here it is" she whispered

"you haven't named "it" we are definitely naming it little tate" i said and tate laughed "you're naming my dick" she said and i nodded and giggled "are you even hard" i asked "nope" she said and fixed herself into her boxers "oh that's why it takes you extra long in the bathroom" i said and she smiled and continued fixing herself and climbed into bed

"little tate is rather big" she said and i looked at her and she turned on the office "can i like..touch it" i asked it felt weird asking to touch her even though i am her girlfriend it still felt weird

"touch as in give me a handy or a blowjob" she asked "oh so there are options" i said and she chuckled "you can give it a little rub how about that" she whispered and i looked at her and put my hand on her bulge and she screamed "what the fuck you dumbass" i said and she laughed "alright im sorry" she said

i moved my hand back and forth and she kissed me and i felt her getting hard she stopped me and i smiled "goodnight" she whispered and kissed my nose

"goodnight" i whispered back and we cuddled together but i felt her hand wondering down my body and she lifted up the shirt and i took it off and we looked at each other her eyes were a darker shade of green

she looked at me like i was a snack "i prefer you sleep with nothing on" she said and she tugged on my underwear and pulled me closer to her front i wanted her to do whatever she wanted to me and i'd love every single part of it

1007 words

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