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pov billie

i've been pushing tate away not in like a bad way but a good way i've been having more shows i just don't want her to find out about my career who knows what might happen

i walked into my house and tate was in the kitchen eating "hey what are you doing up" i asked "i could ask you the same thing" she replied looking down at her phone "i was with my family alright" i mean it was true they're at every concert "at this hour" she pointed to the time


"yea" i whispered and she looked at me and nodded slowly i knew that she didn't believe one word coming out of my mouth even if she wanted to she couldn't tate went to the couch and laid down i went to the room and took a shower and i sat on my bed tate walked in and looked at me

"are you mad at me" tate shrugged her shoulders and i sighed "you're mad for no reason i just told you i was out with my fucking family" i semi-yelled "don't fucking yell at me" tate said calmly "i'm just trying to figure out why you're mad!" i yelled "because you've been coming in at late hours god knows where you have been you act like everything is fine!" tate yelled back and it turned into a yelling match until i said something i didn't mean to say

"just fucking leave we aren't dating you aren't my fucking girlfriend leave!" i yelled and she just froze and so did i

tate went to the room and came back out fully clothed and she left without a word i was upset with myself i went to bed with anger and sadness built up i tossed and turned in bed and cuddled with tates pillow that wasn't enough i turned my light on and looked at the polaroids i took of her and smiled

i grabbed my guitar and started strumming random tunes and humming "i don't wanna talk right now i just wanna watch tv i'll stay in the pool and drown so i don't have to watch you leave" i sung i grabbed my phone and recorded my voice and i made a whole song

pov tate

i woke up in a empty bed i sat up and put on my running shorts and left the house and ran i do this to free my mind instead of drinking a lot i don't want to turn out like my father besides that i was into track a lot i was the top runner in all of london i competed a lot and won and even lost

my phone buzzed and i looked at my home screen it was billie smiling i stopped running and stared at the picture and held back the little burning feeling in my throat i closed my phone and continued running i got back home and met with those blue innocent eyes again

"hey" billie whispered and i looked at her "i think you should go" was the only words that came out of my mouth i walked to the door and stopped when she started speaking "i can't sleep without you tate i tried and failed all i smell is you in my covers and on my pillows i don't know why i said what i said but i'll understand if you don't wanna talk to me again" she said and i stood in place

it was silence i looked at my shoes and sighed i sat down and she sat beside me and we talked "i want you to be my girlfriend i don't even know why i fucking said that it's just so much going on right now" billie said and i smiled a bit and looked at her and i grabbed her neck and kissed her and she smiled "you should definitely do that more often" billie said and i chuckled and did it again and we made out i grabbed her hand and she waited for me to finish my shower

693 words

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