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pov billie

i giggled and tate smiled and flipped a page in her book and she gave her hand back to me and i continued painting her nails once i was done i plucked her eyebrows just the crazy strands "ow that hurts babe" she said "stop moving" i said and i pulled it again and she put her hand over her eyebrow and looked at me "you did that on purpose" she said "yea i did what about it" i said and she tried to pick me up and i stopped her and she ran into the room

i got confused and she came back around the corner with a nerf gun "no stop!" i yelled and she shot me several times and i hid behind the couch but that didn't stop her she laughed and i stood up and grabbed the nerf gun and shot her "ow it hurts so bad" she said sarcastically "it's because your body is reflecting them look how they bounce off your chest" i said and i shot her again and we burst out laughing and she kissed me and we sat back down on the couch

"hey" i whispered and tate looked at me "i wanna do something" i whispered "something like what" she asked i rubbed her arm and smiled "is it embarrassing if i say it" i whispered "depends on what you wanna do" she said and continued reading

i looked at her and groaned "what we're in a relationship say what you want i don't care if you're embarrassed" tate said and i sighed "i wanna-" i groaned and sighed "alright i wanna you know..." i trailed off and she looked at me "i don't understand that" she said and flipped her page in her book "you know like um..." i whispered why do i get so nervous around her

is it because she cocky and charming?


but that doesn't mean a damn thing i need to learn how to speak with my mouth "i want to give you head" i whispered the last part very quietly and quickly "what" she questioned and i sighed "you know that thing you do for me can i do that to you" i asked "there is a lot of things i do for you be specific" she said and i looked at her

is she dead ass

fine i'll do it without asking

i got in front of her and she looked at me "oh that's what you were trying to say" she said and i sighed "can i" i whispered "i'm gonna have to hear you say it sweetheart" she said

she knows what she's doing with the damn accent and she has the audacity to say sweetheart a word that turns me on so much when she says it

"come on sweetheart if you can't use your mouth to talk what makes you think you can use it to suck" she said

i've had enough of her taunting and teasing i got up and she stopped me before i could go anywhere our lips connected "you shouldn't be embarrassed anyways i love when you do that" she whispered and i blushed

"it's just embarrassing cause you make me say what i wanna do" i whispered and played with her fingers "it's only us and no one else why are you scared" she asked and i shrugged

"just tell me when you wanna start" she whispered and sat on the couch i got on my knees in front of her and she looked at me "can you not look at me it's making me uncomfortable" i whispered and she looked away

i pulled her sweatpants down and her boxers "i'm not good at this so tell me if i'm not doing it right" i whispered tate smiled and helped me

"just grab but not hard ok" she whispered "i know how to do that i'm not that innocent and lost" i said and she laughed lightly

i slowly wrapped my mouth around her and looked at me "don't do that" she whispered "do what" i asked and she pushed my head back down and i moved at my own pace

i payed attention to her facial expressions and listened to her soft moaning "i need you" tate said breathlessly

"how" i teased "i wanna fuck you billie and i'm not afraid to admit it" she whispered and she picked me up and placed me on the couch softly "i'll be right back" she said and kissed my cheek and i waited until she disappeared and i checked my breath and looked down "fuck" i whispered

today has the be our first time together and i didn't shave what if tate does like the hair and she backs out i mean the hair isn't bad it's coming back but still what if she doesn't like it

tate came back and smiled "are you ready" she asked "i haven't shaved" i whispered "so..i don't care why does that matter to you" she asked "nothing" i whispered and she looked at me

"you'd thought i care about you not shaving" she whispered "y-yea i mean my exes-"

"really you exes you think i'm the same as them" she whispered "n-no tate i just...i'm just nervous because i really like you and i don't want our relationship to go wrong because of one little thing" i said

"billie just relax ok please i wanna make you relax" tate said and i nodded and she kept her promise she made me relax

"oh tate" i said and her green eyes stared into mine

is this what love feels like

i moaned and tate put her head into my neck "i-i love you billie" tate said and i clawed her back and she picked up her pace

who knew sex could be aggressive and slow at the same time

"i love you too" i said and she stopped moving and caught her breath

"did you just-" she nodded and i giggled "world fucking record" she said and we laughed after a while it died down and i laid in her arms on the couch "was that everything you dreamed of" she asked and i giggled "even though it was short it was an amazing short" i said and she chuckled "are you making fun of me" she asked "yes i am" i said and she scoffed

"whatever i love you" she said and i smiled "i love you too" i whispered

1092 words

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