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pov tate

"hey mum" i whispered and hugged her "god it's been so long and who is this" she asked looking at billie "this is billie my girlfriend" i whispered and billie smiled

"hi ms-"

"oh please call me jackie to be honest i hate the ms it sounds stupid" she said "mum she's being nice" i whispered and she smiled and we walked in

my old home still looked the same then my mind went back

10 yr old tate

"stop!" i yelled and my dad knocked my mum over and i helped her and he turned to me "no get out do not touch my baby!" my mum yelled "you little fucking freak you wanna fuck with me huh!?" he yelled and grabbed me by my collar

he cocked his fist back and my mum stopped him before he hit me

"t-tate im sorry" he said and i went up to my room and locked my door

present day

"babe you ok" billie whispered and i looked at her and she reached for me and i brushed her off "i-i'm gonna go get something to drink" i whispered i went to the kitchen and grabbed some water and chugged it down and sighed and i felt someone touch my shoulder and i jumped

"honey you ok" my mum said and i nodded "yea...yea just jet lag i guess" i whispered and cleared my throat

"you know that ex of yours clams she had your baby" my mum said "mhm i don't believe her one bit it's literal bullshit" i said and she looked at me "if it is tate you're gonna have to stay here" she said "and i'll be damned if i do" i said and she looked at me

"billie looks like a sweet girl i don't want anything to happen to billie like it did to-"

"mom it's not alright i told you that part of my life is over" i said and she sighed and billie came in "babe" she whispered and i hummed

"can you help me with the bags" she whispered and i nodded and we went upstairs to my old bedroom and i looked around


"come on tate it's just sex" ava said and i sighed "yea at my mums" i said "come on baby you want me right" she whispered "ava i'm not in the mood" i whispered and she looked at me "you're gonna have sex with me tate i don't care if you like or not" she said

present time

"aw baby look" billie said and i hummed when the fuck did my mum get in here "she has nice bum" my mum said and i groaned "oh my god you have the same mole on your butt" billie giggled and i tried to get the album book but my mum stopped me and they continued to look at pictures of my until my mum went back downstairs to do whatever

"ok but you do have a nice bum" billie whispered and slapped my ass "come on babe you'll see it tonight" i winked and she blushed "we are not having sex in your moms house" billie protested and i snorted "i am a grown adult beside you can squeeze my bum tonight when i'm balls deep" i said and she hit me and i chuckled

billie looked at my trophies while i put our clothes up "the bed is small" billie mentioned "yea we'll make it work" i whispered "what if i fall off" billie said and i rolled my eyes

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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