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pov tate

"here open" billie said and i smiled "i can't stuff anymore in my mouth" i said and billie giggled "you can here" billie stuffed another grape in my mouth and i laughed "stop they're gonna fall out" billie said and i shook my head

"alright come on" she whispered and billie put another grape in and billie snickered "you look like a chipmunk" she said and i hummed and smeared some icing on her nose and quickly grabbed her and i ran to the lake and she screamed

"say sorry now" i said and she hit my back and swung her legs "put me down!" she yelled "you wanna get down" i asked and she yelled and i held her over the lake "no no no!" she yelled and i laughed and threw her in and she resurfaced with a gasp

"oh fuck you im all wet" she said and i laughed and i jumped in and resurfaced i was met with a splash of water in my face "oh fuck no" i said and quickly grabbed her and she giggled

her giggles are my favorite thing

i looked at her freckles i noticed they look more noticeable when she doesn't wear any makeup, her blonde hair damp from the water. her innocent blue eyes looking into mine as if mine were stars

i need her to save me from myself


"what are you writing" billie asked and i looked at her "nothing important" i whispered

the girl with the blue eyes she's a mystery, my mystery and i'll figure it out. there's a million things in this word but all i want is her-

"babe" billie whined i put my notebook to my chest and looked at her "i wanna cuddle so put your book away" she whispered and i put my book away and opened my arms for her and she got comfortable

we watched the office and i rubbed billie's back i grabbed my notebook and continued writing

our journey is filled with love and honesty something that i never actually experienced we are destined to be together from de-

"baby put your stupid book up" billie whispered and i looked at her "alright alright fine" i whispered and put it up shark got on the bed and i smiled "someone wants belly rubs" i said and rubbed his belly and we played together "why is my dog getting more attention than me" billie asked and i smiled "relax doggy needs some attention too" i said and i gave him a treat

i got back in bed with billie before she started having another fit, we cuddled after awhile we talked and she traced my tattoos and touched my hair

i've notice she craves a lot of physical touch and it doesn't have to be anything sexual and i love it "stop touching me" i said "no fuck off" billie said and continued touching me and i moved her hand and she slapped mine and put her hand back on my stomach

she put her leg over mine and i chuckled "you can't stay away huh" i questioned and she gave me a look and i shut up "sorry grouchy" i mumbled and i moved her hand again and she put my hands behind me head and kissed me "now could you stop" she whispered "mm no" i whispered

pov billie

i wanted to give her more..we've know each other for a couple months we just talk and cuddle i like that but i want more i guess

"alright now watch tv" tate whispered "no" i whispered and i took my shirt off and kissed her neck and her hands roamed my body

"i want you badly tate"i whispered in her ear "i-i-" she groaned when i nibbled on her ear i took my bra off and my underwear

"what" i whispered she looked frozen in place "nothing you just-" i quickly put my cover around me and she stopped me "no don't cover up" she whispered i'm really insecure about my body

"it's just i have saw a women's body in awhile" she whispered  i smiled and kissed her she pulled her sweatpants down and my phone buzzed i ignored it and tate kissed me

my skin on fire as she touched me everywhere i don't want of this to stop her finger went through my folds while she kissed my stomach

"do you want my fingers or my tongue" tate asked i felt my cheeks heat up all of a sudden "w-what" i whispered and she smiled "your cheeks are really pink" tate said "yea well because you asked me that" i whispered "asked you what" tate whispered

i groaned and laid back on the bed in annoyance and tate plunged her fingers inside of me, my phone buzzed like eight times before tate stopped. "sounds important" tate whispered "no it's not just keep going" i whispered and tate listened but my phone kept going off until i had enough and looked at it

breaking news billie eilish dating a women (see pictures below)

it was photos of tate and i in the woods how the fuck did someone take these we were alone in our secret spot

my instagram and everything was blowing up and i got dressed "babe you ok" tate asked and i didn't answer her i was so panicked

"d-did i do something" tate asked and she tried to touch me and i moved away "no please leave i-i need space" i whispered and tate tried to touch me again and i just flipped "just fucking leave!" i yelled and she nodded and left and my phone buzzed

unknown: if you don't come back to me billie i'll fucking ruin your career that's even if you have anything left


979 words

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