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pov billie

i woke up to my alarm ringing and tate was still asleep as usual, "babe get up" i said and she moved around "tatum-"

"don't say my gonverment"

i giggled and tate finally sat up and sighed she leaned in kiss me and i backed up "let's go brush our teeth" i said "why i think my breath is fine" she said and i hit her with a pillow, she chuckled and we went to the bathroom and started our morning

we had to get up at four in the morning to make our flight by six to new york which is where the met gala is, "babe you got everything" i asked and tate didn't respond i got up from the closet and walked into the bedroom and she was knocked out again

i mean at least she had everyone packed and her suitcase by the bed i made sure i grabbed the stuff for my body and my tennis shoes because tate always wants to jog, i went downstairs and made her coffee and went back upstairs "babe wake up and drink" i said and she sat up and sipped the coffee and held her lip

"ahh hot" she said and i giggled "blow next time i shouldn't have to tell you that only our kids" i said and she smiled "kids i would love some matter of fact let's have some right now" she said "mm no no no you're gonna wrap it up" i said and she slumped down

"you killed my dreams" she said and sipped her coffee "ah still hot" she said and once she was fully awake and we finally got into the car and to the airport, where we met with my parents and brother plus claudia

"hi guys" i said and i hugged everyone "tate looks like she's been dragged here" finneas said "yea i was i had no choice she threatened me with a knife" she said and i hit her "no i didn't" i said and giggled

"is the plane ready" i asked and my mom nodded and guided us to the plane once we got on the plane took off and i looked at tate "sex on a plane doesn't sound to bad right now" i whispered in her ear and she squeezed my thigh and her lips barely touched mine

"are you daring me because if you are i won't hesitate to fulfill my dream right here right now" she whispered and flipped another page in her book and continued reading how does she do that turn her sexual feelings off and on it's pissing me off

that she's so good at it finneas called tate over and she went to him and they started a conversation, i groaned and sunk into my seat and i heard them laughing but that soon drowned out with music

pov tate

"hey hey hey no touching" lexi said and i sighed "you can touch me later" billie teased and i rolled my eyes "well you look beautiful" i said and she smirked they tightened the corset which made her breast jiggle

"could you not look like a hungry dog" claudia asked and i sighed "fine fuck it i'll leave" i said and left the room and my phone rang

"hello" i whispered "tatum" i knew that voice from anywhere "ava" i whispered and looked around "how do you have my number?" i asked "why haven't you changed it" she challenged "w-why the fuck are you calling me" i asked

"because your child is getting on my nerves" she said and i froze "you left us with nothing she's wondering where her daddy is" she said and i opened my mouth to say something but i couldn't

"what cat got your tongue" she teased again "that isn't my child i don't care what you say and even if it was then i would've took her with me" i said and hung up

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