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pov billie
one week later

"come on" tate said and i panted "how are you running so fast" i asked "want me to go faster" she questioned before i could answer she took off and i tried to keep up but i stopped my chest was tight i breathed in and coughed and tate came to me "hey you ok" she whispered "i can't breathe" i said and she helped me for a second i forgot i had asthma "you look beautiful even when sweating" she said and i shoved her and she laughed

we went into the gym and worked out together i've been trying to loose weight i've saw some memes recently that don't sit right with me when we left i was exhausted "come on you gotta shower" tate said and i groaned "or i'll throw you in the pool" she said and i looked at her "you aren't" i said and she grabbed me "tate you better not!" i yelled and she laughed "you're gonna swim in the pool" i kicked my feet and tate threw me in i swam back up and all i heard was her laughing

"help me" i whispered and stuck out my hand "no night" she went back inside and i got out and knocked on the glass door and she let me in and i grabbed her hand and we started play fighting "ahh my thumb" she said and i laughed "back in the pool you go" she said and i ran away and hid underneath the bed it was quiet for a bit and i felt my feet being yanked i screamed and tate laughed

"classic horror movie hiding spot" she said "ugh fuck you" i said and she smirked "when" and i shoved her "you're disgusting" i said and she chuckled we took showers in different bathrooms i beat her to bed she came in with one of her black tees and her boxers i continued writing in my book and she touched my legs softly "what are you doing" i whispered tate peaked over my notebook and i smiled "what are you writing" she asked

"nothing important" i whispered and tate smiled and i heard a knock at my door "i'll go see" she said and i nodded tate left and came back "there's some guy at the door" she said she looked upset i went to the door and there he was standing with a bunch of roses in his hand

"matthew " i whispered "hey" he whispered matthew and i dated for a short time it didn't work out tate walked passed she was fully clothed she didn't say anything to me "fuck matthew just go away" i said and walked after tate "wait tate" i said and she stopped " i thought you were different billie" she said "i am tate" i said "you have a guy in front of your fucking door with roses" she said "he's my ex" i said

"babe" matthew said "don't call me that" i looked at tate and she looked angry now like she wanted to fuck him up "you need to leave" she said "or what" matthew challenged and tate's fist were balled "before i call the cops you're trespassing" i said and he looked at us and shook his head in defeat tate went inside and i followed her and she took her things back off

"hey" i whispered and got on her lap "do you trust me"'i whispered "billie" she's trying to avoid my question "baby do you trust me" i whispered and she looked at me   "do you" i whispered and traced her neck tattoo "i don't know i should trust you but i'm scared" tate whispered "of what" i whispered

"don't know" she's avoiding these questions and i don't like it something's wrong i touched her messy but neat hair and smiled "i need a drink" she said and pushed me off gently "are you really gonna drink your problems away and not talk to me" i whispered "billie please" she said "whatever i'll let you drink your liver away and kill yourself but i will not sit around and watch" i said i was upset why couldn't she talk to me i like her for god sake i mean we're dating but i'm not to sure on the part it's still unclear

i fell asleep for a bit then felt the bed dip "billie" tate whispered and i hummed softly "i'm sorry" she sniffed and i looked at her she was crying "im just a fuck up i know" she sobbed "no you aren't" i whispered and held her and she sobbed in my arms whatever happened in london made her hurt a lot the quiet sobs turned into silence "babe" i whispered i looked down and she was asleep i kissed her forehead and she snored quietly i pushed her hair back and set her alarm for tomorrow because she has work or maybe i should let her sleep in

"tate" i whispered and she hummed "you want me to turn the alarm on" i questioned she shook her head no and held me tighter "are you ok" she asked and hummed throughout the night i couldn't sleep i wanted to make sure that she didn't leave

888 words

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