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pov tate

i think i can finally say i'm happy not a single bone in my body is sad anymore or depressed over the past couple of days billie and i have gotten closer i met her brother and he is a funny guy but very protective over billie

"tate you look fine" billie said and i sighed im meeting her parents already she begged me to go to dinner with her and i said yes

"hold on let me fix this" billie mumbled and started fixing my collar this time she drove i liked her car but she drives like she's in a race "billie slow down and do the speed limit" i said and she laughed "i know how to drive alright i'm not even speeding i'm going 80" she said and i shook my head and we arrived at middle class house billie got out and i prepared myself for the worst and the best

i got out and billie grabbed my hand and we walked to the door and she unlocked it we walked in and the house was nice looking very

"billie" i heard a women say and i looked and a older women came this way and then everyone started coming towards out

don't freak the fuck out tate

"this must be tate" her mum said and i smiled "yes i am" i said and she looked shocked for some reason "you have a accent billie didn't bring that up" her mom said and i chuckled uncomfortably i guess billie could feel that because she basically dragged me to the table and everyone sat down i grabbed my napkin and put it on my lap and billie looked at me weirdly

"what" i questioned i completely forgot we are from two different countries the food was served and conversation were started

"so tate where did you grow up" maggie asked "london" i answered and showed a smiled i got a ton of questions throw in my face and i answered them all everyone finished and billie and i got some alone time in her old room

"i hope that wasn't bad" billie whispered and i smiled "it wasn't actually i mean the question were a lot but overall the meal was delicious" i said and billie sat beside me

pov billie

i looked at tate as she talked and took a look at her lips "can i tell you something" i asked and she nodded "i've never felt this happy in a long time like i'm genuinely happy" i whispered and she smiled "so am i" i looked at her then her lips

go for it billie just fucking do it it's now or never

i leaned in and pecked tates lips and she looked at me she was frozen "fuck i'm so sorry" i panicked and stood up and so did tate and she grabbed me "stop" i looked at her and i was embarrassed then i felt her lips on mine again i just melted in her touch

the women i was dreaming about weeks ago i was finally kissing but it turned into a make out she treated me like i was fragile my hands tangled in her hair we made out until there wasn't any air left in our lungs i pulled away and tate smiled a bit

"wow" was all i said and tate pecked my lips again "are we staying here tonight" tate asked and i nodded i went to the door and locked it and turned to see tate shirtless i took off my clothes and went into my closet and found a long shirt i put it on and went back out to the room i climbed in bed with tate and we kissed and made out again tate put her arms around me and buried her head in the nook of my neck

i felt tiny kisses here and there and i fell asleep

pov tate

i woke up to billie kissing me and i smiled "good morning" billie whispered "morning" i mumbled and billie gave me little kisses while i cuddled with her i didn't expect her to kiss me last night but i kissed back knowing and it was a good kiss one of those soft kisses that you rarely find

the kiss had meaning in it not sex not lust maybe a bit of love billie and i got dressed and skipped breakfast that her mom was cooking and we left on the way to her house we stopped by my apartment and i grabbed more clothes and billie helped me

we went back to her car and put everything in we went to her house and hung out for the rest of the day

796 words

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