The pecking festival contest is finally here! 7 contestants would be chosen to participate in this year's contest! Contestants are supposed to decorate their given bird to the topic. This year's topic is... HOLY! So the contestants are going to decorate their birds to the topic, holy. Birds are of different colours and require a liesence to use them. Liesence are pieces of paper that come with the bird when you receive them. Contestants get a bird when they are informed by me, dectectivity, or anetelia. Contestants will randomly choose a liesence and the bird whose name is on the liesence will be theirs. If they win awards, a certificate will be given to them and for 1st place also a mystery prize.
Example of a certificate:
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Sunshine, a bird.
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All contestants have been chosen. They are: 1. Winter 2. Egg 3. Random 4. Cobos 5. MOT (minister of trade) 6. MOEB (minister of education of butlering) 7. MO...... I forgot. Gotta ask later