Tʜɪʀᴛᴇᴇɴ - Lᴇᴛ Hᴇʀ Dᴇᴄɪᴅᴇ 🥀

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Not everyone will create an impact.. not everyone will stay. According to them, it was him! But for her it was them!

Not a fictional character to overcome all these.. not a girl with a strong heart to face these. For a girl with anxiety issues, this is too much to handle.

She was able to do nothing but just cry cry cry.
"How am I gonna prove them that he is the one? How will I tell him that I'm facing heartbreaks and frustrations because of this?"

On one side she wanted to stop people cursing about them.. on the other, she wished that this crisis must not affect him.
"Let me handle all these solely.. it must not affect him.. people cursing around, are my circle so they have no right to curse him."

Days passed..
Happy face to him and struggling face to them! She was more concentrated that these curses must not reach him.

As usual, everything happened against her thoughts!

He came to know about this and he was in terrible anger, "How can they decide that I'm gonna leave you or I'll go back to my past? How did you allow them to speak like that? So you are degrading me in front of them and arguing that it's their fault right?"

"You are degrading me in front of them."
Those were the words, she was frustrated not to hear from him.

She wished that if he knew about these controversies he would stand along with her and support her to come over it. But the inverse happened.

So now situations changed like:

He ~
"You are the one who gave them the right to talk about me right? If you don't like me, you could have told me right on to my face! This is so much hurting."
(From his pov anyone would have felt the same.)

Them ~
"You didn't even tell us about him. If you had told us before, we would have never let you love him. You have been disloyal to us. We were with you for years and now all of a sudden you forgot us for a boy you know only for countable days. You left us all behind so this will not work. You both will be separated for sure."

Enough! This is not something new she is facing. Enormous situations have occurred in the past like this, but this is a bit different.

She was not accepted as a normal girl who fell in love with her partner. This is so critical!

In case of other problems, she would have consulted her parents or other elders. But for this wherever she goes she is criticized by saying, "You should have told us before. You hid this from us so it'll not work."

There must be a discussion about this:

シ︎All they said was, "You didn't tell us before and so this will not work!"
That was an interesting point!

"If I had told you before, then what I did was right? Only because I didn't tell you this was wrong and this will end. Wow, Such a bastard curse this is!"

And some more interesting curses were:

シ︎"We are telling you this for your good. We have already faced breakups and we don't want you to feel the same after days. So we are advising you to leave him! "
More interesting right!?

The top most interesting is here:

シ︎"If you had told me before, I would have selected a good boyfriend for you. You don't have the maturity to choose love, so I would have selected a partner for you. You ignored me for him, so my curse is: what if he leaves you and goes back to his past people!"

This is amazing! Someone else is choosing a love life for me.. wow this is the most hilarious part of the scene! Am I here waiting for someone to choose a boy for me so that i must fall in love with him or something like that?

Love is something that comes at the unexpected time with the unexpected person! And these people wish that "It must have come with our permission or else we would have chosen a boy whom you should love, then only we'll accept this as love!"

WOW! But something to be noted is the people who said all of the above, have once fallen in love with someone, and some were still in a relationship. So wtf is this scene?

Okay now, what should she decide?Let her decide

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Okay now, what should she decide?
Let her decide..

"Oh no my friends and my people are giving me valid points so I have to obey them because they were with me for years. But they still don't understand me and my wishes. But that's okay I should leave him for them, even if I know that they are having personal love lives but they restrict that I should not have one. Because what they say is always right. They had chosen their love and that is right.. but if I chose my love life that will be wrong! Omg, they are so absolutely correct in their point. So I should leave him!"


"I fell in love with him at some point. But I decided to stay with him, even as a friend or some other name of bond when I felt his heartbreak. I felt his heart so close to me. How much he had suffered in the past and now he needs someone with him to take care of him. Someone must take the responsibility of raising him with love, care, and pampering. Why won't it be me? I feel him so close to me and I'm not sure will any other person would have the same feeling as I had. I must take care of him, I must support his dreams. It's gonna be my responsibility!"

"And at any cause, I should not leave him as his past people did. I should not be like them. I know he is broken and I'm here to stick to him till the end. I should not do the same thing as they did. When I came to him I knew how much he was suffering and even after knowing that if I leave him, he will be shattered. I should not do that. I gave him hope, so I must take care of him!"

At Least this decision must be hers. This will make a huge difference in her life, which she will not be able to rectify later.

She must decide on her own, considering only about her life and not as she worried about the people around her
Every time!

~To be continued ♡︎

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