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THE DX WAS cold against my bare arms. Even though it was a hot summer day, the air conditioning in the gastation never failed. I've got to start bringing a sweatshirt of something.

I was working my front desk job at the dx, but business was pretty slow so I turned to reading some teen magazines apple in hand. Suddenly the DX door burst Open revealing 3 giggling socs. Yay. The girls approached the counter and looked me up and down.

"Where's soda pop?" One snapped. "He's busy." I shrugged taking a bite of my apple. "Well why don't you go get him." Another piped up making a 'shoo' motion with her hand. "I'm not go interrupt soda pop while he's working just because you wanna lay all over him." I snarled.

"You bit-" the blonde started but the back door swung open revealing a very sweaty Steve randle. Thank the lord. "Its so much cooler in here!" He gawked then glancing at me, the girls, and back at me catching on.

Steve sighed from repeating this for the probably millionth time. "If you girls aren't gonna buy anything, and you aren't getting your car fixed, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." He said wiping his forehead of sweat with his arm.

The girls huffed and left. "Buh bye!!...Thank you Steve I don't know what id do without you." I sighed flipping through my magazine once again. "that's right." Steve said with a hair flip making me giggle.

"Anyway, I bet soda'l be really excited to hear about this." Steve said wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.

Soda, Steve, and I known each other since we were 5. So Steve's like a brother too me, and likes to tease me a lot about my 'crush' on sodapop. But alas, soda is in a pretty serious relationship with a girl name Sandy, and she's really nice and I would never get in between them. So it's all just Jokes. 

"cut it out Steve." I groaned. "Cut what out?" Soda said coming out of the garage. Great.

"Awe nothin' just Robyn here was fighting off girls that came for ya." Steve blinked innocently. I could feel about my cheeks turn the colour  of my hair.

"Was she now?" Soda teased back. "Yeah yeah whatever are we ready to close up?" I asked hopping off the stool. "Oooohhhhhh." Steve taunted. I whipped around and threw my apple at Steve's forehead causing soda to erupt in laughter while Steve sat there with some unamused look on his face.

Sorry it's a short chapter- but it's only the beginning :)

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