Part Five

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As Castiel opened the door to his apartment, his mouth dropped open, seeing Gabriel sprawled out on his couch, scrolling through the channels, a bored expression spread across his face. His eyes met Cas' and he smiled.

"Baby brother! I wondered when you would be home!" He exclaimed, jumping up. Cas couldn't help but groan at the sight of his brother. Not only was he a millionaire, but he was the most attractive one of the family. It made Cas feel a little insecure looking at his brother.

"What are you doing here Gabe?" Cas asked, shutting the door behind him before crossing the living room.

"Don't you remember?" Gabriel asked, following Castiel through the apartment. "We made plans weeks ago to go get dinner!" he exclaimed. Castiel froze, letting out a groan as he closed his eyes. "Shit, you did forget!" Gabe laughed, walking around to in front of Castiel and took his brother by the shoulders. Castiel winced but tried not to pull away. "Don't tell me you made plans with that bitch you call a girlfriend." Gabe groaned.

"We broke up a while ago." Castiel told him, pulling away and walking through the kitchen. Gabriel eyed the boxes spread around holding glasses, pans and silverware. Since Cas had been spending the past week at the bar, he hadn't spent much time packing. "I have to get out soon." he muttered, turning on the tap and filling a glass of water.

"Why?" Gabe asked. Castiel drank the water, leaning back on the counter.

"I'm broke Gabe." he muttered. "Don't tell mom and dad." he added, finishing the water and sat the glass down beside the sink. Gabriel's mouth fell wide open.

"What 'bout that job they got you?"

"I wasn't doing well enough. They needed to make cuts." he told Gabe. He sighed. "I haven't told anyone else Gabe. And I am unsure of what to do. I have a place to stay but..." HE hung his head.

"But what?" Gabe asked. He stepped towards Cas. "Come on. Let's go out to eat like planned, I'll pay, you can tell me whatever you want but you don't have to." he gave his little brother a smile as he patted him on the shoulder. Cas winced and Gabe's eyes landed on a bite mark the dress shirt wasn't covering well enough. Gabriel let out a sigh and chuckled to himself, stepping away as Castiel blushed. "Doing something new?" Gabe asked as he walked towards the front door.

"Yeah I guess so..." he muttered, following his older brother out to his red convertible mustang. The top was already down, like it always was. He jumped into the passenger side and held his head as he rested his head against the door. Gabriel got into the driver's seat without opening the door, sliding over it with a smile.

"Getting a little kinky with the girls in the bedroom huh baby bro?" Gabe left, pulling his light blue sunglasses over his eyes. He was wearing a colorful, stripped tank top and kakis shorts.

"Well..." Cas began but the roar of the engine went over his voice. Gabriel let out a holler and Castiel couldn't help but laugh along with his brother as Gabe revved the engine a couple times before driving off.

"Well what?" Gabe asked, speeding past cars.

"Not really a girl..." Cas whispered. Silently, Gabe looked up and stared at his brother before raising a hand up for a few seconds.

"No judging. Just didn't know you swung that way baby bro." He laughed, slowing down as they came towards the restaurant. "And he..." He motioned towards his brother. "He did that to you?" he asked, putting the car in park in front of the restaurant. The valet was standing by, waiting  for them to get out. Gabriel lifted his glasses and gave Castiel a look of anger. It was that protective older brother look.

"Don't look at me like that Gabe." Cas rolled his eyes, opening the door. "I... I knid of enjoyed myself." he muttered, getting out of the car. He looked down, feeling his phone in his pocket vibrating. He pulled the phone out and answered as Gabe talked to the valet, handing over his keys.


"Have you made a decision?" he heard Dean's voice. Castiel felt butterflies in his stomach.

"About?" He asked, shoving his hand in his pocket, eyeing his brother.

"Staying at my house." Dean replied quickly. "I have plenty of room and... Well... I rather enjoy your company." He added quietly, in a low and gruff voice. Cas glanced up at his brother. Gabe was almost done talking to the vallet. He had this whole speech about being careful with his car.

"I might just stay with my brother..." he muttered, running a hand through his hair. His scalp still hurt from the hair pulling.

"Ever heard the saying, 'Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours'?" Dean asked.


"Come back over tonight." Dean requested. It sounded more like an order to Castiel.

"I don't know..." Castiel muttered, giving his brother the one minute signal as he turned around.

"Close your eyes." Dean growled. Castiel sighed, but he listened, closing his eyes. "Just imagine... Back in my bed... You're on you back, leather handcuffs around your wrists, my lips... Kissing you all over..."

"I'm in public!" Castiel exclaimed, opening his eyes.

"Don't interrupt me." Dean growled. "Or else you won't get a surprise tonight." he whispered.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I'll send Simon to pick you up at eight. Look nice. Be clean." With that, Dean hung up. Cas lowered the phone and let out a sigh as Gabe came up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"So what's up with this guy?" Gabriel asked. "Leaving marks like that on my little brother." he raised an eyebrow. Castiel chuckled, walking with Gabriel inside.

"Don't worry about it Gabe." HE told his brother as he smiled.

"I can't help but worry about it. Those marks looks rather painful." he told Cas. Castiel chuckled and shook his head.

"Enough about me Gabe..."

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