Part Six

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Castiel looked over his image in his mirror, flattening his black dress shirt as he critiqued his appearance. He wasn't sure what Dean had meant when he had said to look nice, but he had taken a shower, his hair still wet. He had put on a pair of black dress pants and slipped into some dress shoes, thinking that he looked nice enough.

"But maybe it's too nice..." he muttered, leaning back against the wall and hung his head, letting out a groan. He ran a hand over his face, hearing a knock at the door. He hurried to the front door and opened it, seeing Simon standing there, a limousine down in the parking lot, still running. Simon took one look over Castiel and let out a sigh.

"Oh sweetheart... He doesn't mean nice like that." He sighed, stepping into the apartment, pushing past Cas. Castiel followed him to the bedroom and watched him look through the closet. "For someone who has to be out soon, you don't have much packed..." he pointed out in a low voice.

"What's wrong with my outfit?" Cas asked, looking himself over. "He's just going to take it off." he added quietly.

"I know but it's too much black. Mr. Winchester likes his company to be dressed in a way he finds appealing. Also it's too formal for the occasion." he told Cas. "He's a man of style. He's very picky." he sighed, turning towards the dresser. "Also, those pants are not ironed. They're too wrinkly. You'd be better off wearing jeans." he told Castiel. He pulled out a pair of blue jeans and tossed them to Cas. "Hurry up. Mr. Winchester is not a patient man." He left the room and Castiel sighed, quickly changing.

"Did I really have to change?" Cas asked as he followed Simon, who was typing away at his cell phone, outside to the limo.

"I told you. Mr. Winchester is a rather picky man. And he isn't going to just throw you down on the bed and fuck you without a second thought. He is civilized." Simon told him, standing by the open back door. Castiel climbed in first then Simon climbed in, shutting the door. "Alright back to the house Timothy!" Simon called to the driver as he continued to type away at his phone.

"What does he do? For work?" Castiel asked.

"He owns and manages multiple companies." Simon sighed. "The major one is Elder and Winchester Law." he told Castiel. Cas nodded, thinking about the call earlier from Crowley Elder. He must've been calling about work. Castiel didn't know why he felt a little jealousy when that had happened, the attention he was getting taken away so quickly like that. He shook the thought away. "He also manages a string of bars, a very popular spa, manages some actors, musicians, etc.; he is a very busy man Mr. Novak."  Simon told him.

The rest of the rude was an awkward silence until the limo stopped in front of the house. Simon stepped out and held the door open for Castiel, his eyes looking up at the large house as he felt butterflies fill up in his stomach as he followed Simon up to the front door, the limo pulling away. Simon held the door open and Castiel's breath was caught in his throat. He hadn't taken much time before to admire the house.

The front room was large, two staircases on each side, curving to the center, to a balcony and a wide doorway, a large chandelier hanging in the center of the room. He heard footsteps and then saw a smiling Dean appear on the balcony, still wearing the suit he was wearing that morning but the tie was undone, hanging around his neck, the top button of his dress shirt also unbuttoned.

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