Part Nine

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Noises like talking and laughter came from the other room, making Castiel sit up in his bed. He recognized Dean's laugh immediately, but there was another man and a woman with him. Groaning, he stood up and pulled on some sweatpants and a loose tee shirt that hung off of his shoulder before opening the door. As he walked through the hallway, the talking got louder. He made his way into the front room and glanced into the living room, seeing Dean dressed up in a suit, holding a glass of white wine as he talked to the others with a smile. Cas tilted his head to the side, catching a glimpse of the other two, one a red headed woman wearing a long dress and the other man with scruff and dark brown hair, also wearing a suit only he wore a tie with his. The other two also held wine glasses.

Dean's eyes met Castiel's and he excused himself and sat the glass down, hurrying to Cas' side before the other two caught sight of him. He rushed Cas into the dining room and sat him down before leaning into the kitchen.

"Throw a nice breakfast together." he ordered the kitchen staff before returning to Castiel. "Those are my business associates so I rather you not disrupt my meeting." he growled in Cas' ear. Castiel nodded. "After you're done eating, a car will take you to the doctors and then you'll return here. I'm done with work at six tonight and I expect you to be in my room by then." he whispered, digging his fingers into Castiel's shoulders as he leaned in close from behind, close to his ear.

For a few moments, Dean kissed and nibbled at Castiel's neck, running one of his hands down Castiel's front. He pulled away quickly and left the room, straightening his suit. Castiel sat in silence, the only noise in the room the ticking clock on the far side of the wall. There was a quick spurt of laughter from the other room but that died down just as quickly.

"Here you are sir." One of the kitchen staff sat a plate of scrambled eggs, five slices of bacon, some toast and hash browns in front of Castiel as well as a large glass of orange juice.

"Thank you." Castiel muttered, looking over the food with a sigh, glancing up at the door Dean had left through. When he was alone again in the dining room, he stood up and opened the door a crack, listening to the whispering voices. His eyes went to the front door as it opened, a tall man dressed in a suit and long brown hair that almost went to his shoulders stepped in. For a split second, the man's brown eyes met Cas' but he pulled them away, straightening his suit before forcing a smile and entering the living room.

"I hope the problem has been solved." Someone with a deep voice said before clearing his throat.

"I believe it has." another man with a British accent replied. Castiel opened the door just a little more so he could hear better. HE was able to hear Dean let out a sigh.

"Yes I think it has." his tone was rather annoyed. The man with the deeper voice cleared his throat again.

"If you could excuse us for a moment." Dean told the others before entering Castiel's view. With his heart beating out of his chest, Cas quickly closed the door a little bit, hiding behind the wood, but continued to peer out. "What do you want Sam?" Dean growled as the taller man came in behind him, Dean giving him a glare.

"What the hell did you do to piss Elder off?" Sam growled back, leaning over Dean with a matching glare on his face. Dean let out a sigh, taking a step back. "We are brothers; we are partners in this is company. They are the only reason we are who we are. Without them, you wouldn't have this giant house and you wouldn't have that damn butler who does all your work for you while you fuck whoever you lease!" he exclaimed, eyes glancing up at Castiel. "I see you already have a new one." Sam sighed. Dean turned and glared at Castiel before turning back to face his brother, gritting his teeth. "That last one didn't last very long. What was it? A month? And you only got rid of them a week ago if I recall correctly." Dean's brow narrowed as he continued to glare up at his brother.

"I take a bunch of shit from Elder. From both of them." he put emphasis in his words. "I don't take shit from you Sammy." Dean stomped away, heading towards Castiel, pushing him back into the dining room, pressing him back so he sat on the edge of the table. "Eavesdropping?" He asked, looking Castiel over.

"I-I-I j-just..." Castiel stuttered, face burning red as he stared into Dean's hungry eyes. "I just o-o-over heard..." Cas said weakly. Dean smirked, leaning his face close to Castiel's.

"You're supposed to be at the doctor's." Dean whispered, moving his face to Castiel's neck, brushing his lips against Cas'. He gently bit Castiel's bottom lip, moving himself in between Castiel's legs. "Stop being so irresistible." he growled, trailing his hands down to Castiel's pants. He slightly pulled away so their eyes met. "Get back soon." he ordered, pulling away, straightening his suit. Castiel hung his head, staring down at the bulge in his pants.  "And stay away from my company." He glanced over his shoulder with a glare before leaving the dining room.

Castiel hung his head, continuing to stare down before closing his eyes, catching his breath. His phone rang in his pocket, causing him to jump.

"Yeah?" he answered in a quiet voice.

"Sup little bro?" he heard Gabriel's voice. "Wanna meet up for lunch today?" he asked.

"Why do you want to spend so much time with me?" Cas said with a chuckle, holding his head.

"Don't you remember I just spent the last three years in Europe?" he asked. "I missed my baby bro. I spend time with the other losers too so don't feel too special." he laughed. Castiel let out a laugh and nodded.

"Alright. I have to go to the doctor so after, pick me up from the office and we can go to dinner." he offered. Gabriel chuckled in response before hanging up and Castiel sent Dean a text, letting him know he'd be home before Dean was done with work.

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