Part Twelve

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The restaurant reminded Cas of the one he went to with Gabe, but this one was further into the city and was part of a hotel, a pool in view of the table they were given. Dean was in his dress pants and white dress shirt he had put on the morning but Castiel changed into jeans and a black dress shirt. He sat beside Dean silently, not knowing what to say. He glanced up at Dean every few moments, seeing that Dean was continuously staring at Castiel.

"So who are your friends?" Castiel asked. They were sitting at a large table with three other empty chairs, so it was going to be more than one.

"My brother and his wife as well as a close friend of ours." he told him, drinking the white wine from the glass in front of him. Cas looked down at his hands as he fidgeted with his fingers.

Fuck... There's nothing to talk about... This is why we'd only have a sexual relationship... Cas thought to himself as he sighed, eyes going to his glass of water.

A red headed woman whose hair came down over her ears and had bright green eyes came up behind Dean and wrapped her arms around him.

"Good to see you Winchester." her eyes landed on Castiel and he couldn't help but feel a little bit of jealousy in the pit of his stomach seeing her hug Dean. "Who's your friend?" she asked, sitting on the other side of Dean.

"This is Castiel Novak." Dean introduced him before turning to Cas. "This is Charlie Bradbury." She reached across the table and shook Cas' hand. "I hope you don't mind me inviting him." He added, sipping his wine. Charlie smiled, sitting back in the chair as she picked up the menu sitting in front of her.

"No, no. I don't mind but Sam told me he needed to tell you something." she told him as a waiter stopped by the table. "Can I please get a beer? Thank you." she told the waiter, eyes not leaving the menu. The waiter nodded and left the table. She looked up at Castiel. "So what's up Cas?" she asked, giving him a smile.

"Not much..." he answered shyly, hanging his head. Dean smiled down at Castiel as Charlie glanced up at him.

"Sorry we're late." Castiel looked up, seeing Sam walking up, arms linked with a gorgeous woman with curly blonde hair falling over her shoulders and blue eyes, a tight red dress fitting her perfect figure.

"You're always late." Dean rolled his eyes as he smiled. Sam smiled back, eyes on Cas for a moment before pulling out the chair next to Charlie out for the woman, and she sat down. "Cas, this is my brother, Sam, and my sister in law, Jess." Dean introduced him. Sam gave a smile, reaching over and shook Castiel's hand.

"Nice to formally meet you." Sam told Cas as he sat down. Dean shot his brother a glare, sipping his wine. Jess and Sam picked up the menus in front of them. "Have you already decided what you're ordering?" Sam asked. Cas looked down at the menu that sat open in front of him. Dean leaned close to Castiel's ear, placing one hand on Castiel's shoulder.

"Order the steak. They make it rather well here." Dean whispered. Castiel nodded, staring down at the menu. Dean leaned back and Castiel glanced up at him, wanting him to touch him again.

Oh stop it... Castiel thought to himself, looking through the menu.

"So Castiel..." Sam began, the waiter coming by, setting a glass of beer in front of Charlie. "Just some red wine for me and water for her please." Same told the waiter. With a nod the waiter left and Sam met Castiel's eyes. "What do you do for work?" he asked. Cas hung his head as he blushed, sipping his water.

"I was a lawyer." he answered, avoiding Sam's eyes.

"Was?" Sam asked, leaning back in his chair. He looked up at Sam, meeting his blue eyes.

"The firm had to make some cuts." Cas explained quietly. Sam nodded in understanding.

"I work with my brother at Elder and Winchester; Although I'm sure you already knew that." Sam replied as the waiter returned with one glass of red wine for Sam and a glass of water for Jess, pulling out a notepad to take orders. Sam ordered a lobster, Jess a salad, Charlie a prime rib, Dean a burger and Castiel a steak.

"Why be a lawyer? It's so boring." Charlie chuckled, drinking her beer.

"It has it's moments." Dean argued, lifting up his empty glass and motioned towards the waiter. "All you do all day is sit around a computer." he continued, smiling. Castiel stared at Dean, the jealousy growing in his stomach.

"I work for you dumbass." she smirked. "So all I do all day is play darts in your office drinking whiskey." Dean smiled while Sam and Charlie let out a laugh. Jess rolled her eyes as she turned towards Castiel.

"Ignore them. Today isn't a work day." she chuckled. Dean looked down as his phone vibrated. When he red the text, he sighed, looking up at Sam.

"Elder wants to call a meeting..." Dean sighed, leaning back in the chair as he dropped the phone on the table. Sam groaned, looking over at Jess.

"Oh come on! I thought we were going to have a nice lunch." Jess complained, leaning on Sam. He smiled weakly, looking up at Dean.

"We can call him at least." Dean stood, picking up his phone. As he leaned towards Castiel, Cas turned his head and Dean discreetly kissed his cheek and whispered into his ear, "We'll be right back." He looked up at Sam and let out a sigh. "It's the Evendy case." he sighed.

"This case is beginning to be a pain in my ass." Sam groaned, standing. He leaned over and pecked Jess' cheek before hurrying off with Dean. Castiel let out a sigh, leaning back as Jess and Charlie gave each other a look, both of them sipping from their drink.

"So... When's the wedding?" Charlie laughed, holding the glass to her mouth. Jess laughed along with her, covering her mouth with one hand. Castiel looked at them, confused.

"Oh come on." Jess sighed, rolling her eyes. "The last time Dean looked at someone like that..." her voice faded away as she met Charlie's eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Castiel asked. Charlie sighed.

"He stares at you. In a way he's only stared at one other person." she explained before taking a sip. She sat the glass down as the waiter came around with the plates, setting each one in place. "Of course it was a woman and they had gotten engaged but..." her voice faded as she cut into her prime rib. Castiel hung his head.

"It's adorable." Jess pouted, leaning on the table with a smile. Cas sighed, looking up at them. They looked like they regretted opening the conversation and paid attention to their food.

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