Part Twenty

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Castiel sat there with watery eyes, still wearing that shirt but he had put on a pair of sweatpants and tennis shoes. He stared down at his hands, clutching them together, holding Dean's cell phone, sitting in the police station.

"I'm looking for a Castiel Novak?" he recognized the British accent as the Elder partner Sam and Dean had. Sam hadn't answered his calls, so he called the contact 'Douchebag Elder', guessing it was the lawyer. He was right.

He didn't look up as the footsteps came towards him. He tightened his grip around the phone and closed his eyes.

"Castiel? I'm Crowley Elder, Dean's co-worker." he told him. Cas nodded, keeping his head down, eyes squeezed close. "What the hell happened?" Crowley asked. Cas slowly looked up at him, biting his lip.

"It was supposed to be a nice weekend at his beach house. Some guys came onto the beach and saw us on the balcony..." he began. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he hung his head. "Is he always so... Quick to respond with violence and anger?" he asked quietly. Crowley let out a sigh.

"Something ain't right with them Winchester boys." Crowley sighed, sitting next to Cas. "It's always something. Drugs, women-men- violence..." he sighed again. "I can handle this, it's always been easy keeping Dean from trouble but keeping it from my mother is another story." the two met each others eyes. "The best thing you can do right now is not tell anyone. If Rowena finds out, she'll cut the cord with the Winchesters, making them no longer part of the firm. Every time Dean fucks up I gotta come in and fix it." They both looked up as the door opened. Sam walked through the door, scanning the room. "You called in moose?" Crowley growled, standing.

"He's my brother." Sam argued.

"Well you can't do shit to help him." Crowley told him.

"Wait..." Cas muttered, hanging his head. The two looked down at him. "How many times has something like this happened?" He looked up at them. Sam sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets and turning away.

"Too many times to count darling. You've got a little devil on you r hands. Fights anyone who fucks with him." Crowley told Castiel.

"Crowley!" Sam growled.

"What? He deserves to know the truth." Crowley defended himself. He turned back to Cas. "The man solves problems with his fists, which is the reason I'm surprised he makes a good lawyer since you can't go pounding on the opposition." He let out a sigh, cocking his head. "Do you want to talk to him before we do?" He asked. Cas let out a sigh and shrugged. "I understand if you don't. I mean he is a bloody monster."

"Crowley." Sam stepped towards him, growling again. "That's my brother." he growled.

"And both of you are trouble! Damn monsters if you ask me." he growled. Castiel stood up and hung his head, holding the cell phone out.

"This is Dean's." he whispered. He hesitated, but Sam took the phone. "I'm... I'm going to call my brother..." he looked up at them. "I'm going to... to go." Cas felt like he couldn't hold a sentence. His hands were shaking. Sam placed a hand on Castiel's shoulder. Cas looked up at him.

"There's nothing wrong with my brother. He just... Needs..." Sam's voice faded off.

"What if I had made him mad Sam?" Cas whispered. "You didn't watch him beat the shit out of that guy. I could've easily pissed him off. He fucking broke that guys jaw..." he hung his head, shrugging Sam's hand off.

"Trust me. I know what my brother is capable of. You should've seen him when he was... Before he got a job here..." Sam hung his head before stepping away. Crowley shook his head at Sam.

"Get out of here. Go on and call your brother. We got this. Dean might call you later." Crowley told Cas. Castiel nodded and watched the two talk to some officers then follow them through a door.

He pulled out his phone and pulled up his contacts, clicking on Gabe. He hesitated, but pressed call. After only two rings, Gabriel answered.

"What is it baby brother? I'm in the middle of a shoot." Gabe told him quickly. Cas sighed and hung his head. "Baby brother?"

"I... I don't think... I..." he couldn't form the words. He squeezed his eyes shut. "Dean beat... someone... His face is bloody and broken. I'm... I'm honestly kind of scared big brother..." Castiel whispered into the phone. There was silence for a few moments.

"I'll be there in half an hour." Gabe told him, Cas could hear him rustling, putting on clothing.

"You don't have to Gabe..." Cas sighed, glancing up. Through the barred door across the room, he could see Dean being led away, growling at the police officers as Crowley and Sam both tried to talk him down. Dean's eyes met Cas'.

"Cas! I'm sorry! I'm sorry." he yelled before he was shoved into another room.

"Your little boyfriend nearly kills a guy. I think I have to come. Just tell me where and I'll be there in half an hour." Castiel sighed, but he gave Gabe the address to the police station.

Sure enough, within half an hour, Gabriel was there, mustang parked in front of the station, getting looks from the cops because of how fast he pulled in. Castiel slowly walked up to his brother and hung his head, greeted by open arms.

"Why are you so upset baby brother?" Gabe asked, making Cas look up into his eyes.

"You didn't see it Gabe." Cas muttered, tears forming in his eyes. "He wouldn't stop. There was blood... Broken bones... What if..." his voice cracked off. Gabe sighed, pulling Castiel into a hug as the tears began to fall. "What if I had managed to make him mad like that?" Cas whispered as he cried, pressing his face against Gabe's chest.

"He wouldn't you know why?" Gabe asked, pushing Cas just enough away so he could look down at him with a smirk. "Because I'd kick his scrawny ass. So would Michael and Uriel and Samuel. You should never fear someone with us here." Gabe gave Cas a quick squeeze. "I swear to God if you touched you-" Gabe's voice cut off as Cas looked up at him. "You have nothing to fear baby brother." Gabe promised.

"I'm not a baby Gabe." Castiel sighed, pulling away. "I just... I just want to go okay?" CVas muttered, stepping towards the car. Gabe nodded and followed.


Hello there. I know it took me a while to update but now I must take a break from this. I have my own original works to write and I hope you check them out and enjoy them. :)

I'll update this again some other time. 

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