Part Thirteen

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Lunch had lasted nearly an hour and a half before Charlie wanted to order desert.

"It's not even two." Dean sighed, smiling.

"You know you need some pie." Charlie shot back, grinning. She stopped the waiter who was clearing the plates. "Can we get a desert menu please?" she asked. The waiter nodded and hurried away with the dirty plates. 

"So..." Sam began, shifting his weight in his chair as he folded his hands together. "We wanted to tell you something." He continued, looking up at Dean with a smile. Dean sipped his wine.

"Well spit it out then." he chuckled. Sam and Jess exchanged looks for a moment before Sam drank from his glass.

"We're expecting." Jess announced. Charlie's face lit up as Dean grinned slightly, but Castiel met his eyes. There was a kind of sadness.

"Congrats." Dean stood and walked around the table, holding his arms open. Sam looked up at him with uncertainty. "Oh come on. Give me a hug." Dean chuckled. Sam hesitated but stood and hugged his brother. Dean's phone vibrated as he pulled away and headed back to his chair.

"Oh we should plan a baby shower." Charlie suggested, sipping her drink. She met Castiel's eyes. "Would you care to help?" she asked him. Cas bit his bottom lip, glancing over at Dean before giving her a nod. She glanced down at her watch. "It was fin to meet up and exciting news, but I have a date tonight." she gleamed. Dean gave her a smile, raising his glass. She tapped hers against it.

"Who's the lucky lady?" Dean asked. Charlie blushed and finished off her beer before setting down her glass and taking her coat from off the back of her chair.

"Her name is Pepper. She works at an animal shelter and she has so many animals." she chuckled. "We planned on going to her place to ride her horses, then have dinner, and who knows where the night will lead." She laughed, walking over to Dean. He stood and gave her a hug before she went over and gave Sam and Jess each a hug.

"Well, good luck with that." Dean chuckled. He checked his phone. "We should probably get going as well." he suggested. Castiel stood and followed them outside. Sam and Dean hugged then Dean gave Jess a hug while Sam turned to Cas, holding out his hand.

"Good to formally meet you." Sam said as he shook Castiel's hand. He straightened his tie before turning to his wife, linking her arm with his. Cas stood there as Dean texted away on his phone. Dean looked up as the limo pulled up then opened the door for Cas.

They sat there silently across from each other as the limo pulled away from the restaurant, Dean's eyes focused on his phone.

"When you and Sam stepped away..." Castiel began quietly, Dean not looking up. "...Jess and Charlie mentioned you were engaged." Dean froze, staring at the screen. Dean closed his eyes and let out a sigh.

"That was a long time ago..." he whispered, opening his eyes, looking up at Castiel. "Why does it matter?" Dean asked. Castiel shrugged and hung his head.

"I told you a lot about my family. You haven't shared much about yourself." he told Dean. Dean sighed before clicking his phone off and sat it on the seat beside him.

"Her name was Lisa. She had a son named Ben. I thought he was mine. He wasn't biologically, but..." his voice faded off as he hung his head. "I took care of him for a while, while Sam disappeared. He's had... Drug problems in the past." he sighed. "When Sam got back..." he bit his bottom lip and looked up at Castiel. "I don't know if I should be sharing all of this with you." he admitted quietly.

"You don't have to if you want." Castiel told him. "I mean, you don't know much about me either." he added. Dean chuckled.

"You're a chatty drunk so I think I might know just about everything." he chuckled as Castiel blushed. He sighed. "Sam was high when he came back. He was out of money and needed more for drugs and what not..." Dean sighed, hanging his head. "When I refused him, he took off. A few days later, he drove into the driveway, high, while Ben and Lisa were out playing basketball." he paused, looking up at Cas. "They survived, but they had amnesia. They didn't remember who I was except for I had been part of a case Lisa and Ben were involved with. I figured it would be better for me to just leave them be so I threw my brother into rehab and when he got better, I gave him a job at the company. Originally it was just me and the Elders, but after some convincing, Crowley and Rowena allowed me to give Sam a job. He had gone to Standford..." he sighed, hanging his head. "I'm honestly surprised Jess waited for him that year he went off. She stayed in the house they owned, working her job as a teacher, waiting. She kept telling me Sam would get better. She was right but..." his voice faded as he looked up at Cas.

The two sat in silence, staring at each other. Dean leaned over and pressed his lips against Castiel's, pulling him into a long and deep kiss. When it was over, Dean sat back in his seat and picked up his phone.

"What inspired you to paint that picture the other day?" Dean asked as he typed something. Castiel could feel his face burning as he hung his head. Dean looked up at Cas.

"Well, nothing really. Just you I guess..." Castiel muttered. Dean nodded.

"I need you to paint seven more paintings for an art show this weekend. All of them have to be related to each other, like in an album." Dean told him. Castiel looked up at Dean and cocked his head to the side, staring in curiousity. "I had Simon run that painting over to an art gallery. The director loved it and wants to showcase your work as a new artist." he explained.

"Why the hell would you do that?" Castiel asked, nearly yelling. Dean looked at him with surprise. He sat down his phone and grabbed Castiel by the wrist, pulling him onto Dean's lap. HE kissed Castiel, holding onto his wrist tightly, running his other hand down Castiel's body.

"Just say thanks and paint the damn things." Dean said as their lips slightly  smiling widely. Castiel chuckled weakly, looking into Dean's eyes before they continued kissing.

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