Part Sixteen

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Yawning, Castiel woke up in Dean's arms on the couch in the den, the large flat screen tv on a menu screen. Dean was still asleep, in sweatpants. Castiel looked him over, cocking his head to the side, realizing this was the first time he saw Dean in anything other than dress pants. Cas smiled, turning off the remote and sat up, yawning again as he left the den in search of the bathroom. The only bathroom he knew of was the one in Dean's room and the one is his own room. Since he felt more comfortable using his own bathroom, he walked down the stairs, the sunlight coming in through the windows.

The front door opened, a thin middle aged man with a little facial hair and not a lot of brown hair, dressed with a brown button up and jeans. He looked Castiel over.

"Hello there." He said with a smirk. Cas hung his head, looking down, realizing he was in nothing but boxers and one of Dean's Metallica tee shirts.

"Um... Dean's asleep..." He muttered, hanging his head as he blushed, pulling the shirt down over the boxers. The man let out a chuckle.

"I'm guessing you're his new fuck toy." he sighed, slowly walking towards the stairs. He cocked his head to the side as he stopped at the bottom of the stairs. He stepped past Castiel. "Where is he exactly?" He asked, looking over his shoulder.

"In the d-den..." Cas stuttered, biting his bottom lip. He remained frozen until he heard a door open and close before letting out a sigh of relief, staring down at himself. He didn't like being exposed like that to a total stranger.

He hurried down the stairs and into his bedroom, shutting the door quickly behind him as his heart raced. He stripped of the shirt and walked into his bathroom, turning on the shower as well as the radio. He sighed, looking in the mirror, seeing the bruises and bite marks still dotted across his torso. He traced his collarbones, that was where a majority of bite marks were. He let out a sigh, wondering when they would heal and go away.

Castiel jumped in the shower for about half an hour before the music turned off. He slid the curtain to the side, seeing Dean leaning over the radio,  hand hovering over the power button. Cas felt the need to cover himself and blushed as Dean's eyes met his.

"Don't do that." Dean sighed, stepping towards the shower. He was still shirtless and wearing those sweatpants. He leaned into the shower and turned off the water, sliding the curtain out of the way. He ran his fingers over Cas' face, cocking his head to the side as he pulled Castiel into a kiss.

"Where's that..." Cas began asking when Dean pulled away slightly. "That guy?" he whispered. Dean narrowed his brow then let out a sigh.

"He's elsewhere." he growled slight, brushing his fingers across Cas' cheeks, cupping his chin and pulled him forward, kissing him again. "Don't worry about him." he muttered, reaching for a folded towel from the shelf  to the side then wrapped it around Castiel's torso, pulling him out of the shower, kissing him. Cas felt his cheeks burn, these motions not seeming as intimate as the ones they usually exchanged. It felt strange, yet he enjoyed it, the affection greatly wanted.

"What are you doing?" Castiel whispered, looking up into Dean's eyes. For a moment, Dean looked confused but he shook his head and stepped away.

"Nothing." he sighed, reaching for the door. Cas hung his head.

"I didn't say to stop, it's just..." he bit his bottom lip as Dean looked up at him. "You said no relationship stuff and that just seemed a little affectionate." he pointed out, staring at the floor. Dean grinned, stepping towards Castiel, letting out a soft sigh.

"I like to do stuff like that sometimes..." he muttered, running his hand through Cas' wet hair, the water dripping onto his back. "After the art show, I want to go out to my cabin." he told Cas, running his hand across Cas' cheek, cupping his chin again.

"Where's your cabin?" Castiel asked, staring up at Dean's eyes with a grin. Dean smiled, leaning a little forward, kissing Castiel's lips then pulled away.

"It's on the water south of here." he told him. "There's a nice beach and we can go surfing. Have you ever gone surfing?" he asked. Castiel shook his head. "I'll have to teach you. Perhaps that's something you can paint for the show." he suggested. Cas smiled and nodded as Dean kissed his forehead.

"I'm going to go out with Gabe today." Castiel told him. Dean nodded and kissed Cas' forehead again.

"I have to go talk to him. Work stuff." he sighed.

Dean left the bathroom and Castiel quickly dried off and pulled on his boxers before looking through his dresser. He pulled on a pair of pants and a white tee shirt. He looked down at the Metallica shirt on the floor.

"I should take this back to Dean' room..." he muttered to himself, picking it up and leaving the room. As he approached the stairs, he heard the two talking in the living room. He was going to ignore it and move on, but Dean's harsh tone made Cas stop before walking up the first step.

"How many fucking times do I have to tell you not to let yourself into my god damn house?" Dean was growling. Cas took a step back so he was able to look into the living room. The man was drinking scotch and Dean stood there in his sweatpants. Cas felt a little jealousy in the pit of his stomach, seeing him looking at Dean's shirtless torso.

"I've told you a hundred time; I do what I please." he responded, unmoved by Dean's tone as he took a sip.

"Return my key. Now." Dean growled through gritted teeth, holding out his hand. "You no longer need it." He continued. The man chuckled.

"Once that boy decides to break your pathetic little contract, you'll come crawling back to me. You always do whenever they leave you." he said with a straight face, staring at Dean with no emotion on his face. "You're too fucked up for anyone to love you so you pull them into this stupid contract and then they break from your disgusting needs." he sighed and took a drink. Castiel bit his bottom lip, watching the man step towards Dean, looking him up and down. "Just give up." Cas just barely heard him whisper. Dean hung his head, stepping back.

"I told you last time, Alastair.  I'm done with you." Dean growled. Alastair let out a laugh, taking Dean's chin, making him look up at him.

"You'll never be done with me." He told Dean.

Castiel ran up the stairs and rushed into Dean's bedroom, standing there with wide eyes as he thought about what they were talking about. He hung his head and squeezed his eyes shut, forcing back the tears.

"It's nothing Cas..." He muttered to himself.

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