Part Eighteen

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The gallery was filled with people admiring the different art work, the very different techniques; Cas'  light blue eyes couldn't stop looking at all of the great artwork. There were paintings from artists he had studied in school and some he had never heard of. Aspiring artists like him perhaps. Every painting up was so unique in it's own way, as well as very good.

His eyes landed on his paintings, the few along the wall beside each other. He saw more people had gathered around his than any others, which made him partially happy but also anxious at the same time. He clasped his hands together as He watched LA's most esteemed art critic approach his work; Balthazar Roche.

"Relax." Dean whispered, placing a hand on Cas' shoulder. "I can see you tense from across the room." Castiel sighed, hanging his head.

"My parents always told me I would go no where in the art world... That it was a dead end... They're... They're probably right..." Dean turned Castiel around, making him look up at Dean.

"Look at those paintings. I would not have argued to show your work if I didn't think they were amazing." Dean's eyes scanned the room. After seeing no one was looking towards them, he pecked Cas' lips. "You are an amazing artist and your parents can go to hell." He pulled away slightly, looking around with a bitter look on his face.

"Dean?" Cas muttered. Dean slowly turned and looked down at Castiel. "What...What's going on? Why are you so mad right now?" Dean shook his head, looking up as the art critic approached them.

"Good to see you again Winchester." Balthazar smiled before turning towards Castiel. "I understand you're the one who did those paintings over there?" he asked. Castiel nodded.

"Yes sir" he replied.

"Well Winchester has told me much about you. I must agree, you are a very good artist." Balthazar glanced back at the paintings, rubbing his chin. He turned back to look at Cas. "Certainly if you need credit to get into other galleries or sell your work, I'd be happy to oblige." He smiled, glancing up at Dean.

"Wait, Dean... You two know each other?" Castiel asked. Dean and Balthazar met eyes before Dean looked away and Balthazar smiled, looking at Cas.

"Yes, I've known Dean for a while now. I was a client of the firm." he explained. "He was much more helpful than that Elder fellow. He was a bloody annoyance." He sighed, looking around. "I must ask; The ones in the paintings, is the two of you I suspect?" he asked. Castiel looked up at Dean nervously, not sure if he shoulder reply with the truth. Dean smirked weakly, looking up at Balthazar.

"Yes. It is." Dean replied. Cocking his head to the side, Balthazar looked from Castiel to Dean then chuckled.

"Alright then." He chuckled before catching sight of someone waving at him. "If you'll excuse me lads but I must go." He placed a hand on Castiel's shoulder. "You should expect a good review on your artwork here. Very good. I expect you'll be selling pieces a lot as well as get more gallery showings." he gave him a reassuring smile before walking away, greeting the waving woman with a side hug.

"He's lying..." Castiel muttered, hanging his head. Dean looked down at Cas. "He's just trying to spare my feelings." He whispedred with a sigh. Dean let out a growl, holding Cas' chin, making him looking up at the paintings he did, hanging on the wall.

"That looks like a god damn photograph Castiel." Dean whispered. Castiel chuckled, looking up at Dean, smiling weakly.

"Okay, okay. I get it." Cas leaned close to Dean. "You can stop it now." Cas glanced around the room, seeing a couple people glance their way. Blushing, he leaned away, looking at the ground. Dean smiled, wrapping his arm around Castiel's waist, pulling him close to Dean.

"C'mon now. Don't get all shy on me now." Dean pressed his lips against Cas', running his free hand through his hair. Cas couldn't relax being in a room full of so many people. Dean slightly pulled awa y, smiling widely down at Cas.

"Get a room you two." They both looked up to see Sam and Jess walking towards them, holding hands, smiling. "Christ Dean, I've never seen you kiss anyone in public like this." Sam continued. Dean chuckled and let out a sigh.

"Well, little insecure over here need reassurance about his art." Dean explained himself, gently nudging Sam's shoulder. "I'm glad you two could make it. I'll go get us some drinks." He started to step away but stopped, pointing at Jess. "Except for you. I'll get you some punch." Dean smiled, disappearing into the crowd of people.

"Wow. Dean was right. You're an amazing painter." Jess complimented him. Cas smiled sheepishly, glancing up at his paintings. 

"Thank you." he muttered, hanging his head.

"I must say Novak, you've put my brother under a certain spell." Sam told him, staring down at Cas. Castiel slowly put his gaze back up at Sam, staring into the eyes of the giant.

"Excuse me?"

"I've never seen him so happy. Not since-" Sam cut himself off as Dean returned with four glasses in hand, three wine glasses and one small glass filled with juice.

"So when is the baby shower?" Dean asked, handing out the glasses. Jess chuckled looking down at the juice.

"You are just too eager to become an uncle aren't you?" Jess chuckled. Dean smiled and nodded.

"You know I love kids Jess." he smiled, placing an arm around Cas' neck, draping it across his shoulders. Castiel met Sam's gaze again, seeing a large amount of happiness in his small smile.

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