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Hey y'all! I just realized that I forgot to point out that Moon and Qibli aren't dating in this and how that worked (or didn't I guess ;).) So right now I'm taking this opportunity to explain what happened. Just to explain; in my story when Moon came to the observatory in the epilogue of Darkness of Dragons, she still hadn't figured out what she was doing about the whole love triangle thing and was just trying to convince Qibli to come back to school, but Qibli insisted that he should help fix the palace instead. (hope that makes sense, I know I kind of just threw all that info at you, sorry bout that.)

Late prologue, Qibli PoV:

~Three months after the Darkness of Dragons alt. ending above.~

Qibli entered the observatory, nervous about what Moon might say this time. Ever since he first met her, he'd had a crush on her, but now he wasn't sure. He would think about her shimmering silver scales that sparkled like stars, but then he would think of Winter and his sparkling snow-white and pale blue scales. He would brush one wing against Moon's cool wing, but then he would expect Winter's cold touch. 

"Qibli," Moon said warmly.

"H-hi," Qibli stammered.

"I've been thinking," Moon began. "I've been trying to come up with a way to say this without hurting anyone, and I think I've finally found the best way to say it." she took a deep breath.

"We're friends," Moon said flatly, but not unkindly. Qibli tipped his head at her, confused.

"Yeah..." Qibli said.

"I mean, we're just friends." Moon explained patiently. "I'm sorry, but I don't care about you or Winter that way." Qibli expected a shattering disappointment like he had felt when his mother sold him, but instead he almost felt... relieved.

"I'm dating someone else," Moon continued.

"Who?" Qibli asked curiously.

"Ostrich," Moon said fondly.

"Wait - what?" Qibli exclaimed. "Since when?"

"Well, it all started a few days after I came to ask you to come back to school," Moon began. She went on to tell him all about how she had been feeling lonely since Turtle and Kinkajou were spending more time together instead of with Moon, when Ostrich came up to her and introduced herself. As they continued to spend time together, they realized how much they liked each other and how well they clicked together.

"We started officially dating a few weeks ago," Moon finished.

"That's great, Moon!" Qibli said enthusiastically.

"Would you mind telling Winter?" Moon asked.

"Not at all," Qibli replied.

"Thanks," Moon said gratefully, a playful grin forming and a mischievous glint in her eye. "That gives you a chance to explore other things, too."

"What?" Qibli yelped, his face growing hot.

"Come on," Moon teased. "I've seen the way you act around Winter."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Qibli lied quickly. Moon laughed.

"Just go talk to him!" she encouraged, shoving his shoulder.

"You can't spend all of your time rebuilding walls, you know," a new voice cut in. Qibli whipped around to see Queen Thorn standing in the doorway.

"How long have you been here?" Qibli mumbled, lowering his head and blushing even more.

"Long enough," Thorn replied, sounding amused. "Seriously, though, go talk to him. Go back to Jade Mountain. There will still be plenty of walls to fix once you get back." Winter would probably go back if we asked him to. Qibli thought.

"...I'll send him a letter." he agreed finally, cutting off the thoughts rushing through his head.

"Yes!" Moon cheered. "See you at school!"

Okay, sorry about that. I completely forgot to mention it at the beginning of the book, but I wanted to make sure to explain it now to clear any confusions. This chapter was really loose with the descriptions, so if you've got any questions feel free to ask. I tried to keep it interesting and keep from getting sidetracked, which I guess since this is about half the length of my usual chapters I succeeded in keeping fairly on topic. Or I just really confused you, either one. Well, until next chapter.

- Star

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