Just Like Fire

484 6 71

TW: violence, blood, and death

Winter PoV:


Intense heat.

The bright, glaring sunlight blazing in his face wouldn't be a problem, if it didn't have all the heat to go with it. Winter had no idea where he was, all he knew was heat, sand, and the thin but sturdy chains binding him down, one around each of his wrists, one around one of his ankles. He didn't even know how he'd gotten captured there, and what he did know about it was fading like an old dream. What was worse, he had absolutely nothing to do. At all. Unless he was going to count the grains of sand underneath him, which his vision was blurring in the heat, so he couldn't really even do that. Nothing. Winter thought. Like me. He closed his eyes, blue light stinging his eyes.

~Timeskip brought to you by Blossom the RainWing by WolfQueen~

Winter opened his eyes, glancing blankly around him. Then he realized that there was Qibli, standing across the room, just smiling at him. Winter felt his spirits rise as he saw the freckled SandWing's face, and smiled back. He was about to say something to his friend when he suddenly saw Darkstalker slip into the room with them. Turning back to Qibli, Winter noticed that the SandWing's gaze, which was still rested on him, had hardened.

Darkstalker walked over to Qibli and raked his claws down the yellow dragon's wing, leaving deep gashes in the membrane. (right? membrane? the kinda "skin" part?) Winter flinched as if he'd been clawed as well, and jabbed himself with one of his claws. Ow. he thought as pain flared from his arm. So I'm not dreaming - this is real. He stood up and tried to reach Qibli's side, but the chains tugged against him, forcing him to simply watch helplessly as Darkstalker repeatedly clawed Qibli. Suddenly Flame jumped out of the other entrance and launched himself at Darkstalker, growling, only to end up dead at the large NightWing's claws. No! Winter thought. The black dragon then continued to claw at Qibli, who by now was screaming in pain. Winter tried calling up the cold within him, but he was overwhelmingly hot and fear was threatening to take control of him. Suddenly a sick feeling came over him as Winter saw what Darkstalker's next move was about to be as the NightWing lifting his talon over the trembling form of Qibli.


Tears sprang into Winter's eyes, but before he could react further, Darkstalker turned and stalked toward him with an evil grin. Winter shrank back, hunching his wings and arching his back, sitting back on his haunches. Unfortunately Darkstalker was still able to reach him, and he clawed the young IceWing's chest.

"Ow!" he yelped, flinching back as Darkstalker continuously slashed at him in various places.

What felt like a few years later Winter was covered in scratches and being pinned to the floor by the big black dragon. (...me and my dirty mind- imma shut up now)

"Lemme up!" Winter moaned. Darkstalker cackled and didn't move. He writhed around, trying to position himself so he could fight back, but with his claws bound to the ground and Darkstalker's talon on his back, he was immobilized. Over the sounds of his scales rubbing against the frying sand, Winter heard quiet talonsteps, then froze.

"Winter?" a voice called from one of the halls. Winter looked up to see Qibli standing there, perfectly unharmed, staring at him with an extremely confused expression. Winter glanced at the limp form of Qibli across the room, then back at the unharmed Qibli in the entrance. Then he blinked and Darkstalker, Flame, and the dead Qibli all vanished, leaving only the Qibli standing in the entrance - the real one. Winter jumped up and tried to leap at him, but the chains around his wrists and ankle tugged back and he couldn't go further. (ngl, I was thinking of Elsa XD)

"Winter, what's going on?" Qibli asked, hurrying over to Winter and analyzing the IceWing's tear-streaked face. Suddenly Winter kissed Qibli, closing his eyes. At first the SandWing instinctively flinched back a fraction of an inch, before leaning into the kiss. Winter's tension vanished and he let his wings drop to the ground. He wanted to pull Qibli in closer, but his bound talons held him back - literally. A few moments later they pulled back, and Winter opened his eyes to meet Qibli's warm gaze. He felt like Qibli was able to read his thoughts as his expression was soon not only filled with love, but sympathy and a quiet protectiveness. The SandWing hugged Winter, wrapping his warm wings around the IceWing. Winter was comforted by his touch, and - unable to do anything else - rested his head on Qibli's shoulder. He couldn't hold back a sniffle, which prompted Qibli to stroke the spikes on his head. Instinctively he tried to pull his left arm up onto Qibli's other shoulder, but he just ended up leaning heavily on the SandWing. Qibli nudged him back until he could sit properly and could move his front talons.

"Are you okay?" Qibli murmured, still holding Winter close.

"Yes... no," Winter replied truthfully, lifting his head to look the SandWing in the eye.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Winter!" Qibli burst out unexpectedly, hugging him tighter.

"Why? What for? You didn't do anything wrong, you-" Winter started.

"I didn't come looking for you!" Qibli said. "And it was clearly bothering you! Why else-" he broke off, breaking the hug and meeting Winter's eyes again. His black eyes were glittering with pain and there were tears forming in the edges. "Why else would you kiss me?" Winter blinked at him in surprise, then grasped Qibli's talons - since he couldn't hug him.

"Because I love you, you sand snorter," Winter murmured, not unkindly, his snout almost touching Qibli's. "Don't tell me you forgot."

"No!" Qibli breathed, blushing slightly. "I just thought - you were hallucinating -"

"Qibli," Winter interrupted him softly. "Kissing you was the only thing I did that I actually intended to do." The SandWing smiled and tucked his head underneath Winter's.

"Oh, I found Flame and Six-Claws," Qibli said quietly, but didn't move. "Flame is waiting in my siblings' room, and Six-Claws is on his way back to the palace to tell Queen Thorn about where the stolen treasure is."

"That's good," Winter murmured in response, not really wanting to move. "I guess we should go, too, shouldn't we?"

"Probably," Qibli agreed. Warm claws gently grabbed his wrist, then there was a little click and the chain around his right arm fell away. Then the SandWing did the same for his left arm and his ankle before.



ITS DONE! Sorry it took so long (being sick sucks)! Ik I just started weaving things in, but it's already going well, so I think that bodes well for the rest of it, too. Although before I start on the next chapter I think I'm gonna try and finish my Lunatail oneshot, do my 100 follower reveal, and maybe catch up on some other oneshots and the dare. Uhm, I think that's all for now! As always, hope you enjoyed the chapter, please comment any errors/tips/thoughts, and have a great day/night! Don't hurt yourselves! Love ya! <3

- Star

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