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Winter PoV:

"Oh my moons, are you okay?" a little voice squeaked. Winter turned to see Princess Anemone standing at the other corner, looking at them with an expression of concern on her face. He was lying on his back on the floor with Qibli lying tensely on top of him - not exactly how he wanted to face other dragons, but right now he was more concerned than anything else.

"Uh," Winter said, looking down at Qibli, who was still lying motionless on his chest. "I think I'm okay..." he trailed off, hoping Qibli would finish.

"Qibli? What about you?" Anemone asked, walking up to stand over them. Winter noticed as they waited for the SandWing to say something that Anemone's wings were dripping slightly. That must be why the floor was wet; because Anemone is wet.

"Did you go swimming or something?" Winter asked the little SeaWing.

"Huh? Oh - yeah." Anemone said, shaking off her wings. "Sorry, I didn't realize anyone else was awake; I didn't think it would be a problem to be leaving wet footprints everywhere because no one would pass before morning, and by then it would be dry."

"Why don't you go ahead and go to sleep?" Winter suggested after another moment of waiting. "We'll be fine." Anemone yawned.

"Are you sure?" the SeaWing asked.

"Well, there's not much you can do to help anyway," Winter pointed out.

"I could get Clay," Anemone offered.

"No, thank you," Winter said, trying not to sound annoyed. "We can get him if we need him."

"All right," Anemone agreed with a shrug, taking a step back. "Good night then."

"Good night," Winter said, turning back to Qibli as the SeaWing princess walked away. He waited until her footsteps faded before he analyzed his friend. Qibli's eyes were closed and there was a bruise forming above his left eye, but something else wasn't right and Winter just couldn't put his talon on it.

"Qibli? What's wrong?" he asked. Finally Qibli opened his eyes, and Winter noticed that there were tears forming in the corners of them.

"Ow," Qibli said in a wavering voice. "My wing."

"What happened?" Winter asked, quickly scanning Qibli's wing before looking back into his eyes.

"I don't know, exactly," he croaked. "I banged my wing into the wall, I guess. My wing was tucked in and then I landed on it and it really hurt." The SandWing started to stretch his left wing, but stopped abruptly with a gasp of pain.

"How did that happen anyway?" Qibli asked.

"Anemone went swimming and dripped water everywhere," Winter told him slowly. "Didn't you hear that whole conversation?"

"I thought I heard someone come up," Qibli said vaguely, trying unsuccessfully to blink away tears. Winter tried to pull out one wing to wrap around Qibli, but he couldn't get it in the right position, so instead he just wrapped his arms around the SandWing. Qibli's breathing quickened, but he relaxed and snuggled closer.

"We should probably go to bed," Winter said.

"Yeah," Qibli said, sliding off of Winter. Winter stood up, resettling his wings, and stood there waiting as Qibli stood up, then staggered into Winter's left side. He leaned against Qibli, tenting one wing over his back and trying to help him stand up.

"Sorry," Qibli said, rubbing his forehead. "I just got dizzy for some reason."

"Probably from when you hit your head on the wall," Winter replied.

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