Sparking the Flame

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Winter PoV:

The sun directly between the peak of it's path and the horizon by the time they reached the Scorpion Den. He was more tired than he would ever admit, especially since they had been flying through the heat of the day. But somehow he'd managed to keep close to Qibli, although he suspected that the SandWing was slowing the pace for him. Not that he was complaining. He knew it had slowed them down, but at least this time the were both together and at their destination.

Qibli led the way, swooping down to the entrance of the city with Winter following close to his tail. They landed with a subtle thump and the sound of sand being pushed out of place, and each dragon glanced around at their surroundings. The residents seemed to be too busy with their usual routines to pay attention to two dragonets entering the city. Still, Winter thought he could feel the other dragon's disdain prickling against his scales. At least his time in the Ice Kingdom had given him practice on not reacting - at least on the outside - to other's disapproval.

By now, Winter was familiar with the path to reach Vulture's compound. He'd traveled it enough to get a general memorization of the route at least. Of course, he wasn't planning on using it for anything, since he still didn't like visiting the compound - the one that held so many uncomfortable memories - unless he needed to. Like now.

Don't think about the past - its not useful in any way. Winter told himself, shaking his head as if to throw the memories bodily from his mind. Think about what you're coming here to do.

"You okay?" Qibli asked softly, which made Winter jump slightly. He looked up, and realized he'd fallen a couple steps behind, since the SandWing was looking back at him. Qibli had an understanding and slightly concerned expression as he searched Winter's face carefully. Because out of all the dragons, he'd be the one who'd understand what I'm dealing with best. He reminded himself. Despite this, the only response he gave was reaching out one of his wings to brush one of Qibli's reassuringly.

They continued along to Vulture's compound in silence, broken only by their footsteps or the occasional scurrying of a rat.

~(smol) Timeskip brought to you by Turbine the GaleWing/BoldWing hybrid by CN_Vagabond (Ao3 user)~

It was about early evening when they reached the compound.

There was a bright red and orange sunset in the distance.

Their yellow and ice blue talons scraped across the cold stone pathway as they approached the gateway entrance.

"Well... Here we are.. Again," Qibli said in a mix of seriousness and sarcasm. "You ready?"

He turned to looked at Winter who seemed as confident as ever. Although his tail was all over the place.

Qibli could tell he was worried. "Hey.." Qibli called. Winter turned to look at him.

"We'll be fine, trust me" He held out a sandy talon for his boyfriend to take.

Winter looked down at Qibli's kind gestured for a second. "Right, yeah.., we'll be fine" Winter responded as he took his talon with his own.

He shot Qibli one of his rare smiles to which Qibli returned happily.

They both walked through into the dreaded compound they had both wished to leave behind forever.

Just one last time...

The compound was a winding and mind bending maze of red carpet corridors.

However this time Qibli made sure to not lose Winter as he held on tightly to his icy talon.

They walked in silence, both of them not wanting to make any noise in case there were any of Vultures goons still patrolling the area.

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