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What's it with these titles and randomly popping in my head? (mih ta kcit ot seunitnoc daeh silbiQ ni eciov eht sa)

TW: for caps

Qibli PoV:


"I-it's true...?" Flame squeaked. (okay... that felt weird...)

"You realize that since I already know all your secrets and everything there's no point in hiding your reaction from me, right?" Hurricane pointed out. "Just go ahead, don't mind me."

"I just... I had no idea... I'd never really..." Qibli stammered, feeling lost for words, which was not comforting. He turned to meet Winter's gaze, which was still as just pained as earlier, and saw the same uncertainty that Qibli felt. Then without warning, the IceWing stood up and nestled himself under the dark SkyWing's outstretched wing. Flame looked slightly startled, although it was hard to tell whether it was because of Winter's cold scales or his response. Qibli jumped up and joined them, finding himself a spot between Flame and Winter, a cold wing on one side and a warmer one on the other.

Nearby, Hurricane let out a small noise. "Glad we figured that out."

"I- at least for now anyway," Flame obliged. "We should probably figure out everything else, too."

"Yeah..." Qibli agreed reluctantly. A large part of him didn't want to move; he just wanted to stay here, protected and safe and with dragons he loved. But a small voice was clicking in the back of his mind you don't have forever. You can dilly dally later, right now we have more important matters. Even when he reminded himself that Thorn had specifically said that there was nothing for them to help with, the voice - which sounded an awful lot like Vulture, now that he thought about it - still continued to tick at him.

Reluctantly, Qibli pulled away, his heart longing to go back, but his head pulling him back.

"What is there to figure out, though?" he asked. "I mean, we're pretty much just waiting for something to help with."

"Oh, true," Flame said.

~"AAARG MY BRAIN ISN'T WORKING" timeskip brought to you by Fierir the NightWing/RainWing hybrid by Dogfiend (hope that's spelled correctly T-T)~

The moons were rising higher and higher up into the sky, and Qibli was starting to feel tired. ([this was originally in all-caps, but it was to distracting so I rewrote it in lowercase] awww. i can't stop picturing qibli rn - its so cute oh great moons) He was very comfortable, sitting tucked under Winter's wing, Flame sitting on his left. Leaning gently on Winter, Qibli had a perfect view of the starry sky and the glowing moons.

"This reminds me of that night after the start of school," Winter murmured. Qibli nodded sleepily.

"Is jus like that night," Qibli mumbled. "Starry and cool... like now..." he trailed off, closing his eyes. He could still hear the other three talking, however it was more distant than usual.


The next morning, Hurricane came bright and early to wake the three of them up. Qibli found himself still nestled under Winter's wing, with Flame curled around them both - with his head over Winter's neck, so Flame's neck on top of Qibli.

"C'mon, wake up sleepyheads," Hurricane called again. "We've got things to do today!"

"Mrmmfiiiiine," Flame mumbled, lifting his head and stretching his wings. Winter, however, just whimpered slightly and tucked his head underneath Qibli's wing.

"Winter, c'mon," Qibli said quietly, nudging the IceWing with his snout. "You can't go back to sleep."

"'m not asleep," Winter mumbled.

"Then we've got to go," he replied.

"...mkaaaay," the IceWing sighed reluctantly. Slowly, he sat up, folding in his wings as he did so. He wore a mask of tiredness and pain.

"Are you alright..?" Qibli asked.

"I'll be fine, didn't you say we had somewhere to be?" Winter grunted. Qibli shook out his wings, eyeing the chilly prince, then stood up and led the way to Thorn's throne room. (Tbh, idk where they are at this point...)

"Qibli! Oh, there you are!" he turned to see Queen Thorn herself, along with Smolder and Six-Claws, rushing down the hall that led to his room. "I was looking for you! Why'd you leave your room so early, if I might ask?" Smolder gave them a knowing look, which Qibli didn't understand. 

Wait, I was never in there. Why would she think I was in there then? he realized.

"Oh, he wasn't in there," Hurricane piped up. "He fell asleep back there," he waved his wing back the way they had come. "I decided to sleep there because I couldn't sleep out there. Not with the three of them out there together." he added the last part with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Ahem, anyway, we've found you now," Thorn said, regaining control of the conversation. "Now come on, let's go." she turned and led them back out to the courtyard. (ig they were in the courtyard lol) Once they arrived, the queen hardly paused before jumping into the air, winging off into the desert. Smolder and Six-Claws were close on her tail, and Flame and Hurricane weren't far behind. Since Qibli and Winter were the smallest out of everyone, they were in the back of the group.

Judging based on the direction they were flying, Queen Thorn was leading them to the Scorpion Den. Qibli wanted to ask why they were suddenly heading out, what had changed, what they'd found out, and how he could help most, but he was too far back. Instead, he'd just have to wait until they reached the Scorpion Den once again. He glanced over at Winter, who was flying beside him. Something is wrong with him, I should ask him about it later too. Qibli thought. He's seemed... off... for at least two days now.

Well, what kind of 'off' is it? he asked himself, his brain leaping into investigation mode.

Okay, seems like something is hurting him. I can at least figure that out. And I think something is bothering him, mentally, too. Like some sort of lingering fear or worry or guilt from when he was trapped at Vulture's compound.

So, its all mental. He mentally summarized. Which means that I'll need to talk to him about it - alone.

Okay, that was a pretty boring chapter T-T

I've got a plan though! It's going to get interesting early on in the next chapter! (And if it doesn't then I'm going to be very angry at myself.)

Thank you again, Random_Man88 , for letting me use Hurricane again! :D (*gasp* I finally got it to work!)

Well, I think that's it! As always hope you enjoyed the chapter, please comment any thoughts/errors/tips you have/find, and have a great day/night! Take care of yourselves! Love ya! <3

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