The day I met her...

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Saturday December 30th....

"Thank you"

I said to the bus driver as I hopped off the bus and headed inside the shopping centre. First one again I do this all the time I get paranoyed about the time and end up arriving 10 sometimes 15 minutes earlier than everyone else. That's when I turned around and seen her. Her shiny brown hair flowing past her shoulders, her sparkling blue eyes and her flawless skin. My heart missed a beat.

"Hey Spencer" Kayleigh said

"This is Sean and Jack and you remember Karla and John and this is Karla's friend Hannah"

Hannah the most beautiful person on earth I have ever seen

"Hey guys my names Spencer. Yes Im a girl with the name Spencer don't ask!"

"I like it. I think Spencer is a name for a girl" said Hannah with the most breathtaking smile. I replied with a stupid smile and a weak

"Thanks" IDIOT I said to myself could you be anymore of a sap!!! We went into the movie and I ended up sitting beside Hannah. This is going to be the longest movie ever!!

"So what did you think of the movie Spencer?" Hannah asked me.

"It was good it was so funny. I thought I was gonna get me some abs from laughing so hard!"She laughed and said I'm funny.

"Guys I'm starving lets go to the food court and get something to eat" Said John

"You just ate a large popcorn and a large chocolate bar to yourself in there how can you still be hungry??" Karla asked him with total confusion.

"I have a large stomach but you wouldn't know it would ya!" John told her with both a smug and messing tone.

"Don't we know it" said Kayleigh in a joking manner.

So we walked up to the food court and and ran into Sarah and Her boyfriend Jordan and her little sister Emily, we all just stood there chatting and messing for a bit nobody actually got anything to eat. Then Hannah turned around to me and asked

"Will you come to the bathroom with me Spence?"

"Sure" I said.

When we came out we couldn't find the others and I needed an outfit for the next day so asked her to come help me shop and she said

"Sure I need get a dress anyway."

So we walked around all the shops talking about stuff joking and just messing really when we went into New Look. We were looking at a top when I turned around to her

"Do you ever put on a top and look at yourself and you just feel like a lesbian?" Then she said

"haha no but it doesn't matter cause I already am" IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!

"Oh sorry haha I didn't realise" I tried to safe myself.

"Haha it's ok" she assured me.

That's when I told her Im bisexual and then we got to talking about how hard it was to accept it and how it was on our parents and stuff and then we went back to shopping. After a half an hour and of looking at clothes and ten different shops I finally found my outfit. Soft denim shorts and a silky white see thought top. Hannah got a long blue dress. When we left New Look we went looking for the others we couldn't find them again. Lost again that's when Hannah turned around to me and said

"I never get lost Im blaming this on you"

"Oh" I said

"We'll that's not very nice. It's not my fault they like to run off on us"

And then we found them sitting at KFC so we went over. I went up and got a drink and some nuggets and we all talked for a bit longer though it was just me Hannah, Kayleigh, Sean, Jack and John the others had gone. After about ten minutes Hannah left and it was getting late anyway so we all decided to go home.


That night I couldn't think of anything else but Hannah. Her voice, her eyes her hair everything about her was beautiful and couldn't get her out of my head. That night I went to sleep thinking about her.

The day I met her... (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now