Chapter Four: Hannahs P.O.V

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The silence was killing me. Why won't she say anything? Why did apologise for trying to kiss me? Did I do something wrong? I needed an answer. I turned to face her. "What's up?" She asked confused. "I want to talk about what happened earlier" I told her. "Oh about that Im so sorry I didn't know wha" I didn't give her a chance to finish I just couldn't wait any longer I took hold of her waist, held her jaw bone with my other hand and kissed her. I could sense that she was shocked was this a bad idea? Just as I was about to panic thinking I made the wrong move I felt her relax she stood up onto her tippy toes and wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned into the kiss. That's when I felt it a rush of warmth spread through my body it was like I was on fire but it felt nice. I felt I could die right here and now and I wouldn't care once it was with her. I know it was fast but from the moment I laid my eyes on her I knew I had to have her that was the moment I fell in love with the girl of my dreams. Her blonde hair coming just below her shoulders, her bright blue eyes were the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. They sparkled when the sun hit them. Her soft skin felt nice against my hand. When are lips finally parted she looked at me and I said "Im so sorry Spencer I don't know what came over me I just couldn't wait any longer .." Before I could finish she kissed me again. My lips moved to make a smile as we kissed, I knew I had made the right decision. This just felt so right. We continued walking, I took her hand and our fingers automatically interlocked.

It was starting to dark so I walked her home. I kissed her goodbye and told her goodnight. She walked into the house and disappeared. I walked off around the corner and texted her

"Thanks you for today I had a great time xx"

not even a minute later I got a reply

"me too xx".

I couldn't stop thinking about her. I loved the facts that she wore the outfit she got with me just before new year I thought it was thoughtful and quite funny actually. She looked so beautiful I could tell she spent forever getting ready and spent ages on her hair. It was curled and the top half was pulled back and clipped at the back of her head, a few stands ran loose and rested on her cheeks. I liked it like that because it showed off her whole face. She only had light makeup on. A bit of foundation and some eye makeup and a bright red lipgloss. She was so beautiful with or without makeup.

I couldn't get over her beauty. When I seen that day in December the first thing in my head was she is the most beautiful person I have ever seen walk this planet. Her hair came just below her shoulder, it didn't look blonde. It looked shiny, golden, beautiful. Her eyes sparkled when the light hit them and when something happened that her happy or that made her laugh they brightened up like a summers day and when they brightened up like that it was as if I was being punched in the stomach, but in a good way, I was taken aback by both her beauty and her personality. Her bright, quirky, bubbly personality. I could tell from the minute she started talking to me that she was gonna be good crack. The first thing she said to me was

"Hey My names Spencer, Yes I'm a girl and my name is spencer don't ask!"

I knew she was gonna be funny and fun to hang around with. The more we talked the more I laughed and the more I laughed the more I liked her.

From the very first moment I laid eyes on her I knew I wanted to be her friend no I wanted to be her best friend, I wanted to be her shoulder to cry on, I wanted to be the one to pick her up when she falls to comfort her when's she upset to make her feel better. When she is feeling down I wanted to be the one to make her laugh to see the bright side of every situation, I wanted to be the one to show her the silver lining attached to every situation good or bad. I wanted to be the one she calls when she has a problem, I want to be the one to give her the solution to that problem. I wanted to be her girlfriend. I wanted to be hers and her to be mine. I wanted to be her everything because she was my everything. I wanted to be her reason for living because she was mine. I wanted to belong to her and for her to belong to me. I just wanted to hold her and never let go. I want to be hers.

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