Chapter Twelve: Ten Years in Prison!!

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"I'm so nervous Spencer" Hannah said to me as we sat waiting for court to start. Today was the day. The day the court would decide wether Hannah's dad will go to prison or not. I looked around the walls were a plain brown, very boring. Hannah, my dad and myself were sat outside the court room waiting to called in, there was another chair beside us for my mother but she refused to sit down, instead she paced up and down the dull corridor muttering to herself. I looked over at Hannah and she started biting her nails. Anthony was spending the day with my grandparents and Adam and Luke were still with their Aunt.

"Hey it's going to be ok you don't need to be nervous" she didn't respond she just ran off towards the bathroom. I got up and followed her.

"Han? Han are you in here?" I was answered with the sound of someone puking. I went to the only stall that was occupied and gave a soft knock.

"Hannah, are you ok? Can I come in?" She unlocked the door and I went in. She just looked up at me, she was as pale as a ghost, she was so sickly looking I started to feel bad.

"I'm so nervous Spencer" she whispered to me "what if we loose? What if he goes to jail? I want him to pay for what he did but I don't want him to go to prison but at same time I do"

"Hannah it's ok to feel like this your just confused but there is no need to be nervous"

"But why am I suddenly feeling like this?"

"Because Hannah he is your dad and nothing will change that! It doesn't matter what he done he is your dad and nobody wants to their dad to go to prison."

"I know but what he did to you, to us"

"I know what he done was horrible but he is still your dad Hannah nothing will change that!" Just then my mam walked in.

"They are ready girls"

"Yeah we will be there in a minute mam thanks" she left and I turned to Hannah "are you ready?" She nodded and I took her hand leading her out of the bathroom to the court room. It was time.

* * *

"Have the jury come to a decision?" The Judge asked the jury

"Yes your honour" a man from the jury with shaggy brown hair, wearing a stripy suit top, a tie and slacks got up and handed the judge an envelope.

"Jim Dwyer the jury find you ... Guilty you are sentenced to ten years in prison." There was a sigh of relief from the audience but not from Hannah. I looked over at her and her expression was vague I couldn't tell what she feeling.

"Han?" I put my hand on her shoulder

"We won" she whispered

"What?" I asked

"We won" she said a little bit louder a small smile forming on her face.

"Yes we won" I said. I didn't feel as happy as her because I knew her happiness would be short lived when it sunk in that her dad was going away for 10 years.

* * *

"Anyone up for desert?" My dad asked. Me and Hannah nodded in agreement and the boys jumped and down clapping, they looked like they had never had desert in their life. We went home to collect Anthony and then to Hannah's Aunts house to get Adam and Luke and we went out for dinner to celebrate. Hannah looked at them and then at me with a sad expression on her face and I knew what it was for, she is going to have to tell her little brothers why daddy won't be home for a while, I squeezed her thigh and took her hand under the table and smiled at her, she reacted with a small smile.

"Would like dessert?" The waitress asked, she was small with bouncy ginger hair and a face covered in freckles.

"Seven chocolate Sundays?" My dad asked and we all agreed

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