Chapter Six: Kayaking

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It's been two weeks since Hannah and I started dating. We have been together everyday since then. Not a day has gone by where I haven't seen her. I have never been so happy with anyone else. I have had a boyfriend before, last year. It only a few weeks and it was kinda complicated but I was happy just not as happy as I am now. I love my family and friends I do but with Hannah it's different. From the moment I met her I knew I could trust her with anything, that's why I was so quick to tell her. I knew that I liked her, I knew I wanted to be with her, I wanted to be hers. When I'm with Hannah it's almost like she can change my mood. No matter how bad a mood I'm in even just seeing or hearing her name, just thinking about her changes my mood and I can't help but smile. She makes me happy. At that moment she rang me.

"Hey" she said

"Hey what's up?" I asked her, happy she had called me.

"Oh nothing I just wanted to hear your voice" she said, I could tell she as blushing at the other end of the phone.

"Nawh" I said in a sappy voice, teasing her.

"Oh shut up" she defended herself

"Haha. How was your dinner?" I asked. It was her dads birthday so she ok him out for a father daughter dinner while her aunts babysat Callum and Sean.

"Ah it was lovely" she said.

"Good Im glad you enjoyed it." I said.

"Yeah I did" she said.

"So you doing anything tomorrow?" I asked.

"No why?" She asked. She sounded nervous and suspicious.

"Oh nothing I just have something planned for us." I said

"Oh yeah? Like what?" She asked.

"Well since you made me play a basketball match with your friends, it's my turn to get my revenge." I said. That all the information she was getting.

"What? What do you mean 'revenge'" she asked. Getting nervous now.

"I'll pick you up at nine am tomorrow. Make sure you have a swimsuit, change of clothes, a towel uumm oh and old runners." I said

"Are we going swimming? Why do I need old runners?" She asked getting really nervous now.

"Sort of" I could this was driving her crazy.

"What? What do you mean? Spencer? Spencer answer me!!" She cried

I just laughed and hung up.

Five minutes later I got a txt.

"What do you mean sort of?"

Then another

"Spencer answer me!!!!!!"

And another

"SSSSPPPPPEEEEENNNNNNCCCCCCCEEEEEWEERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Never mind nervous I think she's scared.


"Oh my god Spencer where are you taking me?" She asked for the tenth time. I loved how nervous and fidgety this was making her.

"For the tenth time Hannah I'm not telling you it's a surprise. You will just have to have some patience" I told her.

"Uuggghhhhh" she sighed

"God your so annoying just tell me" she complained

"Yup" I smiled at her.


"SSSUUUURRRPPRRIISEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" I shouted at her

"What?" She asked in a crackly voice

"Wweerrrrreeeeee hhheeeerrrrrreeee" I sang

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