Chapter Two: Getting to know her

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Tuesday January 8th...

It's been just over a week since I met her and I can't stop thinking about her. I wake up thinking about her, go to school thinking about her and go to sleep thinking about her. I keep going onto Facebook chat to see if she is online and when she is I chicken out of talking to her but not today! Not anymore! I finally got the courage to talk to her "Hey" I entered. She's not gonna respond who would like you Spencer like seriously cop onto yourself...."Hey" OH MY GOD!!!! She responded what do I say "Wats up?" That's all I had the courage to say.

"Nothing much. Wby?"

"Same. So how's Hannah?"

"I'm good how are you?"

"I'm good. :)"

This went on for awhile just talking about random stuff some I don't want to mention its just too embarrassing. I so wanted to tell her that I like her but what if she didn't like me back I mean she's gay so what could go wrong! Right?

Just to make sure I wasn't making a fool of myself I said to her "So hul?" A few minutes later she replied saying "No one really?"

"Are you sure?" I asked her.

"We'll yeah what makes you think Im not? She asked me.

"Oh nothing it's just you put a question mark at the end so I thought you were just on the fence or something but there's obviously no one so..." I replied to her.

"We'll there might be? No no there's not well....?"

"What do you mean? Is or isn't there?" I asked her.

"No. Well there was but I don't really wanna talk about that. Wby? hul?" She tried to change to subject.

"You sure you don't wanna talk about it? Talking is good."

"Yes I'm sure can we please just drop it?" She obviously didn't wanna talk about it so I just left it there. I didn't wanna get on her bad side.

"OK I'm sorry"

"Ah it's ok you just trying to help. So hul?"

"Ah I can't tell you that" I replied.

"What why?" She asked.

"Because then I'd have to kill you ;)" I was trying to wind her up.

"Awh come on please I can keep a secret :D" I could see my plan was working.

"You" I wanted to type that so badly but instead I typed "I can't tell you now but many in a while..hopefully ;)"


The next day she txt me "You wanna go park tomorrow? :) xx" I said yes of course. I felt a sudden rush of happiness spread through my body. Tomorrow is gonna be good I can just feel it.

The day I met her... (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now