Chapter Thirteen: Mom

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"Hello? Is there a doctor around please I need help!" a panicked voice took me out of my thoughts "Please my daughter needs help" why do I recognize that voice? I looked up oh my god!!!! No it cant be it just it can't there's no way this is possible. I had to get out of there I got up and walked out of the hospital to get some air. There is no way it could be her? She has another daughter? Is this why she left? Is she my sister? all these thoughts and questions kept running through my mind. I started to feel a little dizzy so I sat down on a bench beside the door entrance. That's when Spencer came out to me "Hey there you are I've been looking everywhere for you! Hey are you ok you look a little pale?" she said to me starting to look a little worried "Yeah" I replied

"I'm fine just needed some air, how is he?"

"He's grand just a broken arm and a few bruises"

"Awh the poor thing he must be in so much pain"

"HA yeah right he's after asking the doctor to get him a sharpie so he can get people to start signing it"

"ah he's just the cutest thing ever, he gets his toughness from you" I laughed and nudged her with my shoulder.

"Come on we better go get him back home"


"Why did she leave?" "Where has she been all these years?" "Will she even remember me?" "How old is her daughter?" "Whats her name?" "Does she know about me?" I couldn't stop thinking about her and what I had seen. It was driving me crazy. There is only one person I know who can give me answers. Oh Spencer isn't going to like this.

"Hey I have go do something ill be back in a few hours ok" I told Spencer.

"um ok do you want me to come with?" she asked me. I wanted her to come of course of I did, but this was something I unfortunately, had to do alone

"No that's ok you stay here with your brother" I kissed her on the cheek and left. God I hate lying to her.


I stood there looking up the big metal gates suddenly regretting what I was about to do. I felt terribly sick, feeling the urge to vomit. I pushed open the heavy gates and waked towards the big blue building. "Newgrange Maximum Security Prison" written across the top. I held down the gurgling vomit in the pit of my stomach, took a deep breath and went inside.

There was a black haired woman in a blue uniform sitting behind a plastic window with holes in it. There was another small hole that looks like it isn't meant to be there. There was lots of cracks spreading out from it as if someone had tried to shoot whoever was sitting behind it. A chill ran down my spine. I walked up to the woman behind the window and told her I was here to see my dad. She asked for my id and when she was finished checking it she escorted me through a metal detector and searched my bag. She led me to a room with metal tables and small stools. There were men in orange jumpsuits talking to friends, girlfriends, children, parents. Everyone seemed so sad, so lonely. I heard a loud buzzing sound and a metal gate opened up and my father walked out from behind it. He came over and sat down across from me.

"I'm glad you're here" he said with a smile. He reached over and put his hand on mine but I pulled away and placed my hands under the desk.

"Don't! I'm not here for you" I said coldly, almost too coldly for my own liking.

"I'm here to ask you something"

"What is it?" he asked

"Mam" I said nothing more and just watched his reaction. His face fell and he went pale.

"What about her?" he asked with a cracked voice

"Why did she leave?"

"Did you know she another daughter?"

"Is she my sister?"

"Is that why she left?"

"Woah woah slow down Hannah! What's with all the questions? Why now?"

"I seen her yesterday, with her daughter."

"I always knew you would eventually ask. You want to know everything?"

"Yes! Please, everything"

"ok. Here goes" he took a deep breath and started.

"Your mam had been acting weird for a few months, avoiding me and hiding something. When I finally confronted her about what was going on she told me that she had been having an affair and that she couldn't be in our marriage for any longer. You see, the thing is, when your mam and I got married she was trying to hide something. From herself and from everyone else. She never truly loved me, she couldn't because she couldn't admit who she truly was, not until the met her present wife. The night your mother left me was the night she told me she was a lesbian."

"But.. but why did she ... why didn't she contact us?"

"I tried to make her stay in contact with you but she was afraid. She didn't know how you and the boys would react."

"That's why I reacted so badly when I found out about you and Spencer. I shouldn't have. It was wrong and I know that but I was terrified you would leave me like she did."

"That is ridiculous! I could never do that! I needed you!"

"I know sweetie, I know that now I just... I panic..."I stopped him.

"I .. I'm sorry I got what I came for but I have to go now. Bye dad" I got up and left, not looking back as I walked out.

I couldn't stop thinking about everything that just happened and the way home. Today, yesterday, the last week. Everything was running through my mind, it was all just a blur but it was there. It all actually happened. My dad beat up my girlfriend, got put in prison, Spencer's little brother getting run over but most of all, my mam is alive. She alive with a whole other family.

I got back to Spencer's house and climbed into bed with her.

"Hey. You ok? You look pale. Where did you go?"

"I'm so exhausted Spencer" I whispered to her barely able to keep my eyes open after everything, "I'll tell you everything tomorrow, promise" She put her arms around me, I snuggled into her and fell asleep. What a week!

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