Act 1- Aoi- Sailor E

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As Aoi was walking home from school, she saw a black cat with a star on it. The star looked very familiar but didn't know why. Aoi decided to take the cat home with her and saw Mamoru. "Hey, Mamoru, I'm gonna do some homework real quick but this cat looks strangely familiar," Aoi said. "Not sure why, but it does. I remember seeing him in my dream." Mamoru looked at the cat and was also thinking the same thing.

"I think we should focus on homework first," Mamoru suggested. "Though I do agree this cat is familiar. I saw him in one of my dreams, too." Aoi nodded and the two of them did their homework together. After they finished, the two of them went to talk to the cat that Aoi brought over.

"Good thing you found me Aoi," the cat said. "My name is Apollo and I have something very important to tell you." The two siblings looked at each other, shocked. "Apollo......was he the cat in your dreams?" Aoi asked. "He was in mine." Mamoru nodded at the question.

"What did you want to tell us, Apollo?" Mamoru asked. "Your sister, Mamoru, is the guardian of life and freedom: Sailor E," Apollo said.  Aoi looked at the transformation item she was given.

"Sailor E.....isn't that short for Sailor Earth?" guessed Aoi. "I remember some of my being Sailor Earth, guardian of life and the grounds." Apollo nodded.  "Now, to transform, you have to say, Sun Power, Transform!" Apollo instructed. Aoi understood.

"SUN POWER, TRANSFORM!" Aoi shouted, her outfit changing. Mamoru looked at his sister in awe and was impressed. "!" Mamoru said. "Good luck with whatever it is you have to do, sis. know, be careful." Sailor E nodded.  "Sure," said Sailor E. "Okay, Apollo. Who are we dealing with?" Apollo figured that Sailor E was ready.

"The Black Agency," Apollo said. "They need to be stopped." Sailor E nodded and went with Apollo to stop the agency. As the two went outside, a familiar scream was heard and Sailor E went to see who it was. Apollo followed and was shocked.

"That's the game shop that Motoki works at! And that voice.....that was his sister!" Sailor E yelled. Apollo nodded as she went to save a friend.  "You know, whether or not it is personal, attacking innocent lives is so uncool! I'm the Lovely Guardian who fights for life and freedom! Sailor E! In the name of the Earth, you shall atone for your actions!" The enemy laughed and still attacked Motoki's sister.  "FLAMING ARROW!" Sailor E yelled, saving Unazuki. Unazuki was impressed and heard another scream nearby as well as Sailor E.

"That must be Sakura......we need to save her!" Sailor E told her cat partner, Apollo. Apollo nodded and the two went to Sakura.  She was in the jewelry shop that Naru's mother owned and a bunch of people were under attack with her as the witness.

"Hey! Leave those people alone! I'm the Lovely Guardian who fights for life and freedom! Sailor E! In the name of the Earth, you shall atone for your actions!" Apollo gave a wink to Sailor E as she decided to use her first attack. The enemy disappeared as Sailor E hit with her flaming arrows and Sakura smiled at her.

"You did the right thing, alerting for help." Sailor E said. "You should be proud of yourself. The world needs more people like you." Sakura blushed. "I only did what I thought was right," Sakura said. "That looked like an alien of some sort." Sailor E nodded.

"Agreed." Sailor E said. "I will keep that in mind." She then went back to her apartment and went inside to talk to her brother about the situations that she had encountered.

"Wow.....two in one day," Mamoru said. "That's impressive." Aoi nodded as they continued talking about the aliens she fought.

"We need to do some research," Mamoru said. "Thanks to you, I know the right people who can help us." Aoi nodded as Kunzite and the others came in.

"We just heard about your sister's," Zoisite said. "And, if you need anything, we can help. We owe you a favor, Aoi. If it hadn't been for you, we'd still be under control by Beryl." Aoi then explained her fights with the Shittenou and wondered if they could've been created by The Black Agency.

"We'll look into it," Nephrite said. "Though I think you should have a secret base at some point, Aoi, for moralistic purposes." Aoi nodded but secretly hated the Captain Obvious remark since she also wondered about that.

"Good idea and you know that I hate it when someone has to be completely obvious!" Aoi yelled. "No matter who it is!" Mamoru facepalmed himself at this.

"Yeah, uh.....we'll discuss this tomorrow," Mamoru said as the Shittenou left.

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