Act 15- Sailor E versus Phantom Jack

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Aoi knew that she had to stop Phantom Jack from causing damage to the city and that she had to pose as Sailor E before Hinata awakened as Sailor Sun. As she went outside, she shouted out her transformation phrase. "SUN POWER, TRANSFORM!" Aoi shouted out loud with confidence. Apollo had faith that she would be able to stop Phantom Jack once and for all, plus find her teammates Universe, Orion and Aurora, who helped her protect Princess Solaris in the past.
"That's enough Phantom Jack!" Sailor E shouted. "I'm the Lovely Guardian who fights for life and freedom! I'm Sailor E! And now, in the name of the Earth, you shall atone for your actions!" Phantom Jack shook his head and attacked. Sailor E fought back with her attacks. "FIRE ARROW!" Sailor E yelled. Phantom Jack was still standing, making things difficult for Sailor E. Tuxedo Mask decided to pitch in and help out. "Tuxedo La Smoking Bomber!" Tuxedo Mask yelled. "Phoenix Flames!" Tuxedo Phoenix yelled. The Planetary Knights pitched in and gave Sailor E enough time to use another attack. "TSUNAMI TYPHOON!"
Sailor E called out. Phantom Jack was proving to be difficult to defeat. "BURNING LAVA!"
Sailor E yelled. "SHADOW BOMBER!"
Shadow Mask yelled. Phantom Jack was finally defeated and before he died, Sailor E decided to get information out of him. "Are you working for Queen Onyx?" Sailor E demanded to know. "And if so, why?" Phantom Jack nodded. "Yes, and in my past life, I was a lowly knight on the planet Jupiter Sailor E. My past name was Fernando and my codename was Obsidian." Sailor E got the information she needed to know about Phantom Jack after he was killed.

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