Act 8- Aoi's Memories

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As Aoi was with Apollo, she was starting to remember the times in the Sun Kingdom with Princess Solaris and her teammates, along with being on Earth with her brothers and his counterparts to Usagi's future teammates. "Do you think that Hinata will do well as Sailor Sun?" Aoi asked. "She might get into situations where something could happen to her, meaning I'll have to step in." Apollo nodded in agreement but figured both girls were capable in their own right.

"I'm sure that Hinata can handle herself," Apollo said. "She looks like a strong, independent girl." Aoi nodded but was still nervous as they both went to Cherrywood High School, and wondered what would happen if things got worse. "I know, but I just want to play it safe," Aoi told him. "I mean, after all, besides Sora, she and I are the top students." Apollo knew what she was saying and agreed with this.

"When all of Hinata's memories are restored, you need to do all you can to keep her safe from all enemies," said. "But...personally, try not to get killed in the process for the rest of us!" Aoi understood and shrugged. "I'll try, but there is a chance crazy could come back to bite me in the behind," Aoi commented. "Also, I think I got a dream about a girl using something that looked like a sword meant to keep Princess Serenity...WHO I'M SURE IS in terms of structure. However, it listed names like Sailor Earth, Aurora, Universe and Orion."

"That is because you are the leader of the bodyguards of Princess Solaris," Apollo said. "Your teammates are the Celestial Guardians." Aoi was in awe. "That means I'll have to find them," Aoi said. "Though I might need help." Mamoru came in with the others. "I can help, sis!" Mamoru offered. "Along with the others!" Aoi decided to go with it since it would be easier to have help finding her teammates.

"Thanks," Aoi said. "It would go faster that way. Also, I even had a dream of being friends with Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter." Ichigo was impressed like Mamoru. "COOL!" They both responded. Enmei also thought it was impressive, as it meant Aoi was getting her memories back. "If you're getting your memories back, you might have a lot on your plate," Enmei said. "I hope you're ready." Mamoru facepalmed with everyone, knowing that she was ready for what life threw at her, despite the challenges.

"I am confident that my partner is ready for whatever life throws at her," Apollo responded. "As she is similar to Minako and Ami, meaning she could handle the toughest situations no matter what they were." The guys high-fived Aoi, knowing that she would be an awesome teammate and friend of Hinata, who was about to become Sailor Sun.

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