Act 2- Another Adventure

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As Aoi was with Apollo again, she was starting to wonder if there was a chance that The Black Agency could be allied with The Dark Agency and wanted to stop it as soon as possible but didn't know how since she might need some backup in case things were to go south for her.

"I might need help from the guys," Aoi said, sighing. "It might be harder than I thought doing it alone." Apollo nodded with her in agreement. He knew what Aoi was talking about, and figured it was best to ask them for help. When Aoi was hanging out with the guys, she overheard someone screaming and wondered what was happening. Apollo wondered that as well.

"I might have to go out there," Aoi said. "Sun Power, TRANSFORM!" As Aoi transformed, she went out to the situation and was shocked to find out that the person looked a lot like Usagi. You've got to be kidding me, Sailor E thought. The same girl that my brother loved in the past?! How is this possible? Apollo shrugged at this and wondered the same thing as the guys who came over.

"Okay....what the heck is going on here?" Mamoru asked, confused. Sailor E looked at him with the same expression, since she wondered that as well. "Usagi...who I'm pretty certain is Princess Serenity, is being attacked...but why? Are Sailor V's enemies colliding with mine?" Mamoru wondered that as well. "Makes sense," Mamoru said. "But stranger things have happened, sis." Sailor E rolled her eyes as the guys got Usagi and the others to safety, giving her the chance to handle the situation.

"Attacking friends isn't cool at all!" Sailor E yelled. "I'm the Lovely Guardian who fights for life and freedom! I'm Sailor E! And now in the name of the Earth, you shall atone for your actions!" Another person was impressed to see her and admired her bravery, but followed the guys to get to safety since was the wisest thing to do.

"I've heard of you, but I don't think you'll be able to stop me!" the monster said, creating a spell to attack her. Sailor E knew she had to use an attack to stop the monster.

"BURNING LAVA!" Sailor E yelled, using her other attack. Apollo wondered if she would have to use a different attack since there was a good chance that the third enemy might be harder than the first two.

"Earth Bomber!" Sailor E shouted, using her other attack. Meanwhile, with the guys, Mamoru wondered if there was a chance his sister's crystal could lead to the crystal he was looking for to regain all his memories since Aoi was definitely a brainiac. As the situation ended, the guys went back to the apartment with Apollo and Aoi as she transformed into her school clothes.

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