Act 10- Even More Fights

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As Aoi knew that she had more fights to handle, she was going to have to be ready for a lot of them as they were going to lead to a lot of craziness in the future, since anything could happen. When she got out, she saw Hinata in a really bad situation, and decided to help her out, but hid as she transformed so she wouldn't be seen. Sailor E came out, she knew what had to be done.  "This has gone too far! I'm the Lovely Guardian who fights for life and freedom! I'm Sailor E!" Sailor E declared. "And now in the name of the Earth, you shall atone for your actions!" The monster laughed and attacked. "OCEAN WAVES!" Sailor E shouted. Hinata saw this,  impressed at the strength and bravery she had. 

Other people pitched in to help out as Sailor E was fighting, and knew that she needed all the help she could get. "SHADOW BOMBER!" Shadow Mask yelled. "TUXEDO LA SMOKING BOMBER!" Tuxedo Mask shouted in response. "PHOENIX FLAMES!" Tuxedo Phoenix yelled. All of the Planetary Knights and Shittenou helped out and figured that things would get weirder.



As Hinata was able to get home safely, Sailor E saw that Makoto and Atsuko could get attacked and decided to help them out, shouting out an attack after saying her famous catchphrase. "SHATTERING EARTHQUAKE!" Sailor E yelled. Apollo got the two girls to their apartment, instructing them to stay there until their brother arrived. Atsuko and Makoto did as told when Apollo left to see how things were going. Both Tuxedo and Shadow Mask explained that things weren't looking so great, meaning that they would need Katsumi's help. Sailor E nodded as she saw her getting everyone else to safety.

 Kunzite and Sailor E looked at each other, knowing there was a high chance her counterpart would have to help at some point. "DUDE!" Shadow Mask yelled. "She's basically a moonlight fighter, and in London!" Apollo wondered if Sailor V could move to Tokyo soon, as everything seemed to be highly intertwined together, looking at Sailor E, seeing she would know what to do. Sailor E winked, as she had an attack in mind.  "MOLTING LAVA!" Sailor E yelled as she saw the others jumping in, defeating the monster. 

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