Act 9- Another Fight

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As Aoi was finally used to being Sailor E, she saw another attack happen, deciding to stop it, since the Black Agency was still powerful, meaning that things could get worse in the long run. "Hold it right there!" Sailor E demanded. "You're going too far by attacking innocent people!  I'm the Lovely Guardian who fights for life and freedom! I'm Sailor E! In the name of the Earth, you shall atone for your actions!" The enemy didn't listen, meaning that Sailor E would have to fight back. Tuxedo Mask knew this like the others. 

"WILD VINES!" Sailor E shouted, trying to give her group the upper hand in the battle. "SHADOW BOMBER!" Shadow Mask yelled as Apollo and Katsumi tried to get the civilians to safety, including Hinata. She saw what was going on, and understood that people could get hurt, trying to look for a place where they could all hide. Tuxedo Phoenix pitched in with Sailor E and the others. 





As Hinata and the others were finally in a safe spot, Katsumi and Apollo rejoined the group, deciding to give moral and physical support in the fight. Tuxedo Mask was grateful for this like the rest of the group, and all of them did their best to save Tokyo. "SHATTERING EARTHQUAKE!" Sailor E yelled.  "SHADOW FLAMES!" Shadow Mask and Tuxedo Phoenix yelled at the same time. 

The enemy was still tough, and the Planetary Knights pitched in with the Shittenou, trying to give the others an advantage the best they could. Sailor E gave the thumbs up. "FIRE STRIKE!" Sailor E yelled. "TUXEDO LA SMOKING BOMBER!" Tuxedo Mask called out. Shadow Mask teamed up with a Planetary Knight and Tuxedo Phoenix, impressed with the fact that the attack worked.  As everyone went home, Aoi was impressed with how things worked out, expecting another adventure to happen, knowing that all adventures would lead to the awakening of Sailor Sun and other Sailor Guardians. 

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