Act 12- A Battle with Phantom Jack

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As Aoi was trying to process the new information she had, Apollo was with her and wondered if there was a chance that he could've been a lowly soldier of one of the planets. "Makes sense," Aoi said. "But if so, he might be working for Queen Onyx, the same queen that hated Hinata's past self, Princess Solaris, if I'm correct about Hinata being the sun princess." Apollo agreed with that hypothesis, as it made sense from what he knew. "You need to keep an eye on Hinata if there is a good chance that she is the sun princess, Aoi," Apollo told her. "We can't lose her. She is next in line to be the Empress of the universe." Mamoru nodded with Ichigo on this, as there was a high chance it was the case. 

They all went outside with Makoto, Atsuko, and Enmei, all of them going to the local ice cream shop when Phantom Jack was creating chaos,  causing Aoi to find a hiding place to transform into Sailor E.  As she finished transforming, Sailor E came out and made her speech. "I refuse to let you win!" Sailor E replied. "I'm the Lovely Guardian who fights for life and freedom! I'm Sailor E! And now in the name of the Earth, you shall atone for your actions!" Atsuko and Makoto decided to get out of the way so Sailor E could get a clear shot of Phantom Jack. "FIRE STRIKE!" she yelled. "TUXEDO LA SMOKING BOMBER!" Tuxedo Mask pitched in. The rest of the group pitched in, but he was not an easy enemy to beat. Sailor E met her match. 

Katsumi saw this while she was on patrol and tried to help out. "OCEAN WAVES!" she heard Sailor E shout. "Katsumi, be careful,"  Apollo warned. "This guy may be dangerous." Tuxedo Mask nodded and explained everything their group found out about Phantom Jack, hoping she was going to be cautious around him when on patrol. Katsumi understood and decided to take his advice as the rest of the group tried to stop Phantom Jack, knowing he was going to be a tough opponent. "SHADOW BOMBER!" Shadow Mask shouted. "PHOENIX FLAMES!" Tuxedo Phoenix called out.

 Atsuko wondered if there was a way to give Sailor E a hand despite not knowing who it was and looked at Makoto, hoping she would have an idea. Makoto sighed as she shrugged, seeing Sora and Ami at the same time. "Hey!" Sora said. "How's everything?" Makoto explained everything and saw Akira, a counterpart of Rei, show up. "Wow," Akira said, impressed. "Sailor E's really cool." Makoto nodded, wondering who she was. "SHATTERING EARTHQUAKE!" Sailor E yelled. "SHADOW FLAMES!" Shadow Mask and Tuxedo Phoenix yelled at the same time. Ami was impressed with the combo attack, thinking it was really cool. "Wow..." Ami said, amazed. "That was awesome!" Everyone else nodded in agreement, including Apollo, who also thought the combo attack was impressive. The Shittenou and Planetary Knights pitched in, giving Tuxedo Mask and Sailor E a chance to finish. "TUXEDO STRIKE!" they yelled, using their combo attack. After Sailor E changed back into her normal clothes with the rest of her group, she went back to having ice cream with everyone. 

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