5. In mighty trouble

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The inspector was far from being in a good mood. Not only didn't he seem to like the sight of the six ducks, but also their reason for coming in.

"So do I get it right? She broke into the stadium and damaged private property?"

Wild wing nodded, "Yes we caught her on the ice, damaging the goals."

While I sat before the small inspector, Wild wing was right behind me, holding me by the shoulders, preventing me from leaving. The other ducks decided to wait outside.

The man before me looked into my eyes, "You think that is funny destroying things heh? Well you will have to pay for this, plus cleaning the place..." then he faced the duck, "...is that all?"

I didn't see it, but Wild wing was thinking of something.

"She wasn't there alone. We only caught her, but there were more of them. It wouldn't be fair to punish her only..." he placed his hand on my hand, "...As for her, I got another idea."

"And the payment to repair the stadium?"

I didn't like the idea what the duck had in store for me, "We will pay her share, in return she will do something for us."

The inspector couldn't care less what he had planned, as long as the payment is covered, "Whatever, just get her out of my sight. As for the other burglars, I will take care of this."

Wild wing grabbed my wrist and pulled me along. Outside, he told the others to come along. Nosedive didn't understand it, "Why are you dragging her along? Shouldn't she stay here?"

"No brother, she will have to work off the damage she caused."

Duke was just as confused as Nosedive, "Will she clean the place?"

Wild wing told me to get into the car before turning to his friends, "That would be too easy for her. Trust me; I got the right work for her."

I thought it couldn't get any worse; it turned to a life of pure horror. Once I told him about my problem with Anna and the rest that happened, he refused to let me go. For the next two month, I am going to share a bunk with Wild wing. He is always keeping an eye on me and hardly leaves my side. I didn't blame him, since I tried to escape several times. The only human I met at that time was Phil. He was having a fit. The mighty ducks told him, that they paid for me to get cleaners.

"Couldn't she clean the place?! You waste money for nothing!"

Wild wing crossed his arms together, "For the last time Phil. That is our money and we decide what we will spend it on. She gets her fair share."

Everyone except me was up to date on the situation. For the first day with the ducks, they didn't do anything with me. They said that my work will start tomorrow morning. Wild wing gave me everything I needed and wished me a good night.

Unfortunately, my night was far from good...I was scared...of what I had to do tomorrow.

A mighty change in life (Mighty ducks x reader)Where stories live. Discover now