26. Another tactic

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I found the perfect idea to get him occupied. Wild wing starred at me with surprise, as I dragged him into a clothes shop. This time, I wanted to give him something in return for the necklace. He didn't complain and took every piece I gave him. While he got changed, I looked at the counter. Underneath the glass, were several kinds of watches, one really caught my eye.

"Wild wing, could you try this on?"

He peeks out of the changing room, "Sure."

Raising his right arm I shook my head, "No the left arm."

"But I got my device in it."

"Just take it off for a few minutes."

He was about to protest, as I gave him a pouty face. Wing sighted in defeat, "Okay, keep an eyes on it." With that, the device was placed into my hands. Once the curtains closed again, I ran out the shop. Chameleon was already in sight. He changed into a human, so no one would pay attention to him, "Do you have it?" I nodded, giving him the device, "I need something to replace it with." Amazed, he gave me one, a very realistic one. I cannot tell the difference.

"So what now?"

Chameleon grinned, "Dragaunus doesn't need you for the next step. Now is our turn to move."

"How long should I keep him in place?"

"That is up to you" he disappeared right before me.

Thankfully, it didn't take much time. Wild wing was finished with his new clothes, staring into the mirror, "N/A is that really what humans wear?" He stood before me in a pair of jeans, a white shirt and jacket. I nodded, "Oh yes they do. You look amazing!" He feels a little uncomfortable, "Well...eh...could you give me back my stuff?"

In the meantime, the other ducks were spending their time in the headquarters.

For Chameleon was it an easy task to break into the ice stadium. It wasn't their first time. Chameleon, now as Wild wing, took his device to contact the team. In a matter of seconds, they assembled at the mega computer.

"Guys, the saurian kidnapped N/A!"

Nosedive's eyes widened, "Say that again!"

Duke asked Tanya to find the saurian, which didn't take long. Tanya faced the other ducks, "They are in the centre of Anaheim, their raptor is not in disguise of an antique store. "Now what are we waiting for, let's move!" Mallory was ready to take Dragaunus down. Wild wing agreed, leading them all to the Aerowing.

The real Wild wing has no idea of where his friends are heading to.

I bit my lip, as he began to press on his fake device, "Why isn't it working?" "Maybe it is broken." "Do you have your Smartphone with you?" I knew what he meant and gave him what he wanted. His eyes turned to a puzzled look, "Why isn't anyone picking up?" "Maybe they are out?" Wild wing shook his head, "No there is always someone at the headquarters. Something isn't right. Come on N/A, we have to go back!" Before I couldn't stop him, he pulled me along to the car.

A mighty change in life (Mighty ducks x reader)Where stories live. Discover now