27. Another problem

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Wild wing didn't seem to notice, as I was quiet the whole time. I wonder if I made the right decision or my regret it. Almost at the stadium, I was ordered to stay in the car. As much as I wanted to, my conscious won't let me, "Please don't leave me here."

"Why what's wrong?"

The way he looked at me, while waiting for my reply, it puts me under pressure.

"I might do a runner...again."

He sighted, "Please N/A, spare me this. Besides, something isn't quite right here. Come with me."

I followed him close behind. Through the main doors and the changing room, we got down the elevator. Inside, he changed his clothes into his battle gear. Once done, he faced me, "N/A, are you alright?" Lost in thoughts, I jumped at his sudden question, "Me? Eh...nothing. Why do you ask?"

"You been quiet ever since we left the mall."

Oh, so he did notice, "I am not in the mood to talk."

He accepted that and didn't ask any further. Wild wing had other problems to deal with. The moment we entered the control center, were the giant computer was, is completely destroyed. For the team captain was this disaster. He took me along, while we both checked all the rooms. Not one duck was there. Wild wing had a bad feeling about this, "I am sure that Dragaunus is behind all this."


"A saurian overlord who wants to get rid of us."

Pretending not to know I kept asking, "How can you tell?"

He pointed at a taco on the kitchen table, "This is nosedive's favorite food and he would never leave it behind."

"Maybe he was in a hurry and forgot."

Wild wing was sure that this was not the case. He mentioned a few more points that didn't make sense. The situation is getting bad, nothing I said could prevent Wild wing to look for his friends. He didn't seem to notice, as he kept on searching the rooms and I stayed behind. The team captain was worried sick and I feel guilty about it. This entire plan from the Saurians, what Wild wing said about me, the necklace, something isn't right here. "What have I done" I asked myself over and over. There was only thing left I could do now...I have to tell him the truth. He might hate me for life, but his friend's safety is more important.

"Wild wing?"

He was already at Duke's room. I looked inside, "Wild wing?"

"What is it N/A?" with his back to me, he went into the next room across Duke's.

"I have to tell you something."

"Is it important?"

His hesitated, "Well...yes...yes it is."

Still not paying attention to me, he continued his search. I followed him, "Wild wing, this is important. They are..."

"What is that?" he interrupted me quickly, as he spotted Duke's sword, "He would never leave it behind."

"Just listen to me!"

"In a minute. Tanya's device...Let's see if it works." And it does, the others were in the center of Anaheim. However, no one is picking up." My patience was running thin. He didn't let me finish my sentence for the third time now. I gave it one more go, "For the last time, they are..."

"They are in a Casino. Let's go N/A. N/A?...N/A?!"

I wasn't in the Duck's Headquarters anymore. Something grabbed me from behind and before I know it, I was in the raptor. I recognized Chameleon and the other two. I was far from pleased to see them, "what is the big deal?!" Wraith stepped forward, "You almost ruined our plans."

"Too bad. He already knows where you are!"

"Splendid. So he is on his way here?" the overlord didn't waste any time to appear before me. He thanked for my part of the plan, before aiming a weapon in my direction. Siege held me in place. "What are you doing? I did what you told me to!"

Dragaunus nodded, "indeed and this is your reward...a little vacation elsewhere."

I didn't understand, "Vacation?"

The other three laughed in response. It was clear that he didn't mean it like that. I flinched as light headed my way, the next; I dropped into something soft and warm. Opening my eyes, my mouth opened wide at the sight. I was in the dessert.

Back at the raptor, the laugh hasn't died down. Unlike the Saurians, the ducks were devastated. Trapped in a cage, they seen everything on a screen. They couldn't believe that I tricked them...especially their team captain. Nosedive gritted his teeth, "Unbelievable!" Duke agreed, "How could she, after all we done for her." Every duck had something to say against me. Only Grin was on my side, "She is a hockey player, she can't be that bad." Nosedive was furious, "Hello?! Earth to Grin, she just betrayed us. How can she be good after this?!" Grin shook his head, "I have a feeling that this is all a misunderstanding." Mallory rolled her eyes, "In your dreams grin." Before they all got into a fight, Tanya cleared the air, "Guys, calm down. We have other problems to deal with. We have to warn Wild wing somehow." Well said, but how? No one had an idea to contact their leader, getting all quiet.

Wild wing began to panic. That I disappear like that was nothing new, but he doubts that I would annoy him now. For a little girl, I am quite a handful for the male duck. "N/A!" he shouted. Somehow he had a feeling that I was not playing with him. Not to waste anymore time, he went down to the garage and got on the Duckcycle. During his ride, he contacted Captain Klegghorn and Phil. He won't be able to do this all on his own. His plan was to save his friends first, while the others should keep an eye out for me. Klegghorn was not too pleased about this situation, but does his best to do his job.

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