'Be lucky that Im here with you.'

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I was sitting in class when I heard the loud BANG coming from the left side of the hall. At first I thought it was another instance of a student trying to recreate the hunger games at our own school. He actually made someone kill another person cause he wanted to test out the huge canon that he built and coded so that every time someone dies, the canon would go off. But no one was told that the canon was ACTUALLY A REAL FUCKING CANON THAT SHOT OUT HUGE BALLS.

Lets just say we are no longer allowed to go to sector E of building G due to the extreme damages the canon caused. It was only last year on the 5th day of school that I learned that John Freemen was the one who set this shit all up. Am I surprised?, absolutely not.

Anywho, I overheard the teacher say something along the lines of. "Probably another trust passer getting shot."

WHAT? That was the most dumbest thing to say to a group full of already panicked kids (or should I say, full grown adults.) I swear this teacher has a brain size of a peanut.

Its not even close to the first day ending and already I am starting to hate some people. But thats nothing new to me since I already hated everyone many years before. Even at the beginning of this school everyone seemed to distance themselves away from me. Eh, I dont really care. I didn't realize that while I was in deep thought. My phone started to ring.

"Um, Mr.." I held the r with my throat as I was trying to figure out his name. "Mr. Ed?" He tilted his head and laughed. "Yes, what do you need?" He turned around for a moment, waiting for my answer as he swipes the whiteboard clean. "Can I take this call." I point to my phone. "Yes but dont be to long." I nod and head out of the classroom.

"This is Helda speaking."

I recognized that voice, "Colette?" I pulled my phone away from my ear to look at the contact info. It said Shepherd, "What are you doing calling me on Adrian's phone?!" I stop in the middle of the hallway and cover one ear. "Okay look, so basically, we had this headcrab and it was on Adrian's foot! We panicked and Grigori. shot the thing like at least 20 times! And now well, Adrian is in the nurse right now and might need a new leg."

I almost dropped my phone as I froze up. "Ill be there." I quickly hanged up and started speed walking to the nurses office. What kind of fucking idiot is he? Did he really think it was a safe idea to hang out with a two maniacs! I felt the frustration and worry built up in me but I tried my best to hide it once I reached the door. I leaned in and pressed my ear against the wood door and closed my eyes to deeply listen.

"A new leg? Awesome!! I'll look like a badass cyborg now!" Well its nice to know that Shepard isn't to traumatized at the fact that he got shot but thats just shepherd for you. "But it might not work! Your whole body could become numb and reject this new robotic leg!" I quickly opened the door.

"Adrian!" I called out with fear. He looks at me with surprise as if he didn't expect me to show up. He is laying in a recovery bed and I can see his leg is all swollen and purple. I looked around to see if the doctor had walked out into another room. "What were you thinking!!" I walked over near him. "Look Helda, I was-"

"Oh you were what? Not planning on hanging out with those mentally insane kids in the first place?! LOOK WHAT THEY DID TO YOU!" I started to choke myself up and I could see his guiltiness in his green eyes. "Helda, I'm sorry." I dropped my phone on the floor as I began to have a breakdown in front of him. "No! No your not sorry! Your not sorry for anything! You promised me last time that you wouldn't hang out with them again! And you didn't listen!! You never listen!! Nobody listens to me ever!"

I grabbed onto my own shirt and looked at him with fury. "You are just like everyone else. You all hate me and im the bad guy." I wipe my tears and grab my phone off the floor. The screen is shattered in a million pieces but I couldn't let that bother me yet. "Shepherd, be lucky that im here with you right now." I looked at his fearful and regretful eyes one last time before marching off back to the hallway.

I slammed the door of the nurses office and walked back to my classroom. I flicked my hair over and wiped the last few little droplets of my tears. I used my cracked phone to take a look at myself. I saw how messed up my makeup had gotten from drowning my face in wet sobs. "Ugh." I snarled before heading a different direction. I needed to prep myself up before even thinking of going out into school. I always care about my looks first before anything, I like to doll myself up a bit every while. I reached the woman's restroom and as soon as I stepped inside, I felt the icy cold tiles and windows swift into my skin.

I dragged myself over to a mirror and pulled out my small makeup kit from my purse. "Why is everything always my fault." I washed my face and re did the smudge eyeshadow back to its original state. "Fuck!" My favorite lipstick was empty. "God fucking damnit." I looked back down at my purse and began searching through to find a mask. I cant let people see me without lipstick thats like a huge nightmare for me! After searching for what seemed like hours, I pulled a brand new blue medical mask. I put the mask on and cleaned everything up before heading out back to my class.

As if my day couldn't get any worse.

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