~* Chapter 1 *~

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A/N You can tell who's POV it is by looking at the little picture up there ^

Sun whimpers softly as a cold draft of air blows in through the mouth of the cave. I curl my wing tighter around her and feel her relax in the heat coming off my scales. Snow, true to her other father, doesn't mind the cold.

Sun makes the same pitiful noise as before and I feel her forehead. She's shivering but burning up with fever. Winter and I share a worried look. The having-no-home-thing is taking a toll on our girls.

"What should we do?" Winter whispers, his eyes round and fearful.

"Let's see if we can find a healer we can trust in Possibility," I suggest. Winter nods and I give him a quick kiss on the snout before snuggling back down and tenting my wings over Sun and Snow.

How are we living in such a backwards world, you ask?

Well, that's quite the story...

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