~* Chapter 6 *~

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A/N Sorry for all the very dramatic timeskips, there will be no more giant ones, I promise!

Hybrid haters...

Glory's words resonate in my mind as we fly back home. Qibli is explaining to Sun and Snow what's going on as un-terrifying-ly as possible to do, but this is very scary.

We've only had our dragonets for ONE AND HALF YEARS!


Qibli must sense my murderous thoughts, because he gently brushes his wing with mine and smiles.

"How can you smile right now?" I snap. "DANGEROUS DRAGONS are COMING AFTER OUR KIDS!"

His smile becomes sad. "I know. But we shouldn't lash out at each other. It's what the hybrid haters want- chaos, dysfunction, mistrust."

"Right." I steady my breathing and my wingbeats. "Sorry."

"It's OK," he says, nuzzling me affectionately.

We arrive at our house and land as quietly as possible. We sneak around to the back door. Qibli opens it and I use my wings to cover Sun and Snow.

"Papa," Snow whispers. "I saw an IceWing with a spear just now." My normally icy daughter looks scared for the first time ever.

"It's gonna be OK," I promise. "Your dad and I will check it out. Meanwhile, why don't you go upstairs to your rooms and pack? Essentials only,"

"Sure," Sun and Snow chorus, then fly upstairs together.

Qibli walks back in to the living room. "I checked the rest of the house, we're safe. Do you want to go warn the neighbors or should I?"

"Can you?" I ask quietly. "I'll pack the things we need here." He nods and starts walking away again, but I grab his arm. "Before you go-" I say. "Snow says she saw an IceWing with a spear a couple minutes ago. You know how most IceWings are with inter-tribe relationships. Be careful, OK?"

"Alright," Qibli says, giving me a quick kiss and heading out the door. I stare after him for a long moment, then shake myself and start packing.

Food, check. Water, check. Blankets, lamps, Qibli's bongos, and a small arsenal of weapons all go into the bag. Check, check, check and check.

"Sun! Snow!" I call softly. "We're almost ready to go!"

They come downstairs, each with a little sack on her back. "Where's Dad?" Sun asks nervously. "And where are we going?"

"Dad's just out warning the neighbors," I say, avoiding the second question. "He should be back soon-"

As soon as I say that, Qibli comes bursting through the front door, gasping for breath. "We're... too late," he says between huffs. "A couple hybrid-hating IceWings came a week ago and forced everyone to flee... or get killed."

I wrap my talons around my snout and gather Sun and Snow close to me. "No..."

"Come on," Qibli says urgently. "We need to get out of here, now!" I grab the bags and hand a few to Qibli. Sun gets on Qibli's back and Snow gets on mine. We run out the door and take off.

Dark clouds are rolling in, but I barely pay attention as we fly as hard as we can away from danger. It starts raining, light at first, but it gets heavier and heavier. Lightning flashes in the sky not ten feet in front of me. I can barely see Qibli.

"Down here!" I look down from where the cry came from and see Qibli and Sun waving to us from the mouth of a large cave. I swoop down and land, dislodging Snow. She quickly bolts into the cave.

We all follow and Qibli and I begin unpacking some of our stuff. We lay a couple blankets on the ground and I manage to find some firewood. Qibli lights a fire and we roast some fish for the girls. I eat mine raw.

Night falls, and we all snuggle together on the blankets. Sun and Snow fall asleep quickly, but Qibli catches my eye.

"This is not how I imagined having dragonets," Qibli says after a pause.

"Yeah," I agree. "Never thought we'd get chased by hybrid-haters and put in so much danger. AGAIN."

"I guess danger just follows us around," Qibli laughs. I join in.

"Goodnight," I say after, kissing him and laying a wing over Sun and Snow so they're covered from prying eyes.

"Goodnight," he whispers.

And I fall into an uneasy sleep, still feeling as though someone is watching us... 

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