~* Chapter 11 *~

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A/N :P I ain't telling you who's perspective this iiiiis~

I leave the doorway of the cave where I was listening to the grown-ups' conversation. So they're going on a secret mission?

Without us?

Yeah, no dice.

I hurry along the corridors and arrive back in the cave where all the other dragonets are gathered.

"What's going on?" Faith demands.

"The adults are sneaking out to the hybrid haters' camp at midnight," I tell her. Firefly looks torn.

"I want them to find our friends, but..." she starts. "Are my parents...?"

"No," I reassure her. "Only my father and that weird RainWing."

"Okay," she says, relieved.

Sun shifts on her cushion. "Dad?"

"Poppa," I tell her.

"Oh." She looks downcast. "Are they planning on telling us?"

"Nope," I say, shrugging and gritting my teeth. Which is so like them.

"We should go with them," Faith announces. Everyone turns to her in surprise.

"Sure-" Cloudspinner starts, but Faith shoots him a glare.

"Not you, dumbass. I'm the oldest, I'll go."

"I'll come too," I volunteer. Faith smiles at me fiercely, and I feel heat bloom in my cheeks. I wonder what's happening to me, but shake the thought off. I need to focus.

"I'd come, but..." Sun says, wincing.

"You almost died, you don't have to come." Faith assured her. "Anyone else?"

Firefly bites her talons and shrinks back. "N-no thanks," she squeaks. "I'll stay here and look after Mothlight and your siblings. Sun can help me."

"Sure," Faith nods. "Ready, Snow?"

"Ready," I say. "Bye, everyone." Sun gets up and manages to drag herself over to me and twine her tail around mine.

"Good luck," she whispers, her eyes soft and scared.

"Thanks," I say with a small smile. I glance over at Faith- her little siblings are clinging to her. She pushes them off with a groan and gives them both a quick hug and a kiss on the head.

Faith makes her way over to me and grabs my talon. "Come on!" she says impatiently. My cheeks heat up again. I follow her out, glancing over my shoulder one last time- and I lock my sister's brave but terrified face in my mind.

"Ready?" Faith asks again. I nod quickly as we climb into some supply bags.

I am so ready.

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