~* Chapter 10 *~

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I'm crying and Qibli's crying and the whole universe it crying, because Sun is alive, and they did it, they saved her, and I was so scared that she wasn't going to make it that all I can do I cry, cry, cry.

Snow is so happy and relieved that she's actually socializing with some other dragonets her age- a bookish NightWing and a snarky Night/Rain hybrid while Sun chats with another, more energetic NightWing from her cushion.

Clay comes in. "Hey! I heard the good news! How are you all doing?"

I wipe the tears off my face. "Great. Amazing!"

"I'm fine, in case anyone was wondering!" Sun calls. "Just got out of the hospital after almost dying! But whatever! Don't bother to greet me, too!"

Clay laughs warmly. "How are you, Sun?"

"Still a bit sore, but alive!"

"Good!" Clay, his smile fading a bit with his next words. "Anyway, Qibli, Winter, remember that RainWing we took prisoner?"

"Yeah," I say. Of course I remember! I'm the one who caught her! Qibli nods.

"Well, she's talking," Clay tells us. "I thought you might want to hear what she has to say."

"OK," I say, glancing at Qibli. He nods again, and we follow Clay down the winding passages.

We arrive outside a cave with some rocky sleeping ledges and the RainWing (who is tied to a stalactite) inside.

"This used to be the sleeping cave when we were dragonets," Clay says, with a faint smile. "But we didn't know what to use it for now." He carefully slips the rope off the RainWing's snout and she bares her teeth at me.

"One step closer, IceWing, and you'll be dead!"

"Now, Holly," Clay chides. "Tell them what you told me."

"Fine." Holly mutters. "I was stalking you because you used to be friends with my mother."

"Stalking?" I say, unnerved.

"Your mother..." Qibli says tapping his chin. "Who?"

"Poinsettia," Holly replies impatiently.

Oh. We remember Poinsettia (A/N See AYLJW for details). "Well... I wouldn't say friend, but OK. Yes, we knew her."

"Anyway, she and Storm got captured along with my cousin Asteroid. Lis and Leafy escaped but I don't know where they are." Holly paused. "I was hoping to get HELP before that IDIOTIC IceWing SAT ON ME."

I frown. This RainWing is rude. I vaguely recall meeting Holly a few times when she was a very small dragonet. She'd always been very sweet and caring, despite Poinsettia's ridiculous heists. So... what had changed?

Holly scowls at me. "So?"

"So what?" I ask.

"Are you helping me rescue my family or not, dumbass?"

I pull Qibli aside, out of earshot. "Should we help her?" I whisper.

"I think it's a good idea," Qibli whispers back. "She clearly knows where the hybrid hater's camp is- she could lead us to Peril and Skyfire and all of our other friends who were captured!"

"Alright," I agree, then turn back to Holly. "We'll help you if you help us."

"Good," Holly says. Clay unties her from the stalactite and we shake claws. "This is going to have to be a stealth mission, though. It's either you or the SandWing."

I look at Qibli askance. "I'll stay here with Sun and Snow," he smiles. "Go and save everyone."

I nod and kiss him, then look at Holly. "When are we leaving?"

"Midnight tonight. Come prepared." Holly says, face serious. Then, she shifts to camouflage and slips out the doorway.

Well, I guess I'm going on a heist now.

I can't wait to see the looks on the hybrid haters' faces when they realize that my claws are ready for revenge.

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