~* Chapter 4 *~

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A/N Idk how long it takes for a dragon egg to hatch but let's pretend it's, like, two months. This is fanfiction, canon and common sense don't exist XD

An egg.

We have AN EGG.



Three moons.

I cannot believe it. Qibli's surprise really cheered me up a lot after the homophobe fiasco. And of course, it was nice to see Moon and Brilliance again.

Brilliance came in our last year of Jade Mountain Academy (A/N See A Year in the Lives of the Jade Winglet for details), and Moon had a crush on her from Day 1.

I was glad Moon found someone as nerdy as her to marry. Qibli was glad we didn't have to do the awkward love triangle thing. Moon was glad cause she didn't have to pretend to like us anymore.

Anyway, the egg.

Qibli and I sit staring at it. It was quite a big egg, and every so often it would wobble slightly or twitch, and we'd both jump.

"Is it supposed to be that big?" I ask anxiously.

Qibli is desperately reading a scroll about parenting and doesn't reply immediately. He looks up and frowns. "I have no idea..." He scans the scroll quickly then throws it away in disgust. "This isn't helping."

The egg wobbles again, then cracks a bit at the top. "ACK IT'S HATCHING," I yell. "ARE WE EVEN READY?"

"Um..." Qibli has a half-crazy happy light in his eyes. "I guess we're about to find out."


The egg splits down the middle and a little dragonet tumbles out. Qibli catches it and lifts it up to show me. It- she- shakes the goop off her wings and stands proud with the sun framing her little head with it's halo-like rays. I gently take her from Qibli. "Hello, little sun," I murmur.

"That's what we should name her," Qibli says, squeezing her tiny claw gently. "Sun."

"I love it. I love her. I love you!" I kiss Qibli, but we are interrupted by a tiny squeak coming from inside the broken shell. Sun leaps out of my talons and noses through the eggshells. Qibli lifts some away to reveal...




The second one is also female. She looks around in a very cool manner and swats Sun on the nose. The little dragonets immediately start tussling, Sun being the fierce one but the other one being actually good at it.

"What should we name her?" Qibli asks me, his voice trembling with joy.

"Snow," I say decisively.

"Sun and Snow," Qibli says, smiling.

"Our girls," I say, my snout curling into a matching one.

I won't let anyone hurt you, I think, as I watch them. No matter what it takes.

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